I never knew it takes this much to be great…

Some said easily it comes, but I know there is no shortcut to a place worth going.

I was forged in the pain of perseverance and along the street of hope I trudge.

When I was a kid, there was no worries…

Right now, responsibilities have stolen those memories.

Leaving me with nostalgic pangs.

Most times, I cried because my strength had failed me.

Most times I gave up on myself, but I remember that I must gather my bricks.

Father told me the future is bright but I must work hard.

Mother said nothing good comes without a scar.

I must build the world I dream of…

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A lot had happened to me, but my pains gave way for my strength.

In order to wear the crown, you have to bear the cross.

The future is beautiful and bright. Be patient.

Believe in yourself and be strong.

Most times, I wonder if I will achieve my dreams or die with them.

It seems as if the future is promised to none.

But I have a secret…

Our future lies in our hands, whatever we choose to make out of it stares us in the face.

Should we abandon it?

We have everything in us to make us succeed, but we need to harness it.

Procrastination is not just the killer of time, but the killer of destiny. Don’t delay your dreams.

Whatever you want to achieve, the time is now.

Whatever place you want to go, the time is now.

Begin before you are ready, if not, we must have to wait all the rest of our life.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step, step out.

Leave your comfort zone, face the world, and take the bruises, so that you can enjoy a life of comfort at dusk.

Do you believe?

If yes, move out, never look back, until you have started leaving the life of your dream.

Verily, you can tell what it means by living a fulfilled life.



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