It is no longer a news, how the world has stopped due to coronavirus pandemic, and have touched all sides of human endeavors, so many things were halted which was part of the measures to combat the spread of the pandemic, and it is having a different direction on education.

Quality education is one of the best treasures parents can give to their kids, if not the best. Looking at all the advantage that come with it, you tend to create enabling atmosphere for this learning to strive, because it is something that is going to past down to next generation and will continue like that.

Since outbreak of global pandemic, schools are closed, then the part of lockdown which leaves everyone stuck at home, for months before the lockdown was eased, but far from opening schools, due to fear of cases rising again.

Students are slowing diverting the energy, engaging in different kinds of online activities, to keep busy forgetting their studies, due to uncertainty over resumption of schools students have completely distanced themselves from their studies, time which could be perfect for proper research have been diverted to another thing, which is outside the circle.

Some students could not really tell where they left their books the first time the lockdown phase was announced, it is diminishing the level of interest and enthusiasm students have for studies, and you see students are scared going back to school, because neither vaccine nor drug have been confirmed to fight coronavirus pandemic.

Students spend time online, chatting with their friends, devoting too much time online, without doing anything significant, the time you spend on social media can give you boost up, if you can make good schedule out of your time and still have time for your studies, the world is getting digital everyday, you can learn something that will be of great help in the future, don’t get too obsessed with money.

In Africa parents who could barely send their children to school, and enrol them into trade, find the ground to talk ills of those who send their kids to school, they think now schools are closed, they are of no help while their kids who are learning trade are making money. You can’t think like that, because education is a long-term investment, it must surely pay, don’t get distracted by those comments, it is a mere word that has no meaning.

This is an act of trying to paint education with bad image, and place importance and emphasis on trade, due to the circumstances, it is just part of life, sometimes situation get out of control, but there will always be a clue to return it to normalcy.

These are the effects the pandemic have on education, completely isolating students from their priority, it is up students to take ownership, the amount of hard work they put in, in their studies, to make sure they are updated will surely show in near future.

Parents should do more, and help their kids to adapt very well during this difficult time, mentality they need focus, the focus they had coronavirus pandemic has taken it away, you need to help reinstate those focus and keep moving forward.