Your drive is really important, in as much as your well-being, which gives you directions in life and set your paths ahead for the journey, which you’re going to embark for the purpose of success, to maintain this rhythm, you ask what is driving you?.

Your motivation is also important, likewise your hopes in life, the things that make you to push harder and discover yourself, at times you’re confused with the kind of energy you produce, you are still undecided in crucial matters which define your career.

First, you need to know your drive, if it is car, money or house, you need to be specific about your stance in life and work to get it, this is not time to be undecided or feel naive about crucial issues which are meant to put you in the right paths.

Second, what is driving? Having found that your drive, then what is driving you, what produce that energy which power your buttons, the energy it produces were it able to sustain you, or just a few days on and years off, know what is driving you.

You think it was those things that drive you like cars, money and houses, you tell yourself it was those things, but you’re driving you, those things are just the outer frame, but you’re the main frame, the power house which gives energy to those things, so be careful the kind of energy you produce.

Your energy is important, some of you the energy you produce can’t power a building, you think you have giving enough to go to top, while your energy is weak, you don’t have any problems, nothing is wrong with you, but the issue here, is that, you’re too soft, yes you’re too soft on yourself, your strategies are good, but you’re inconsistent fix that.

Remember you power you, that’s what matters, you don’t borrow energy or allowing people to drain you, energy is cost, there is always a cost for energy, stop giving it away, tough moments do not last, but tough people do, get harder with life, it wasn’t design to be easy, it is a hell in a cell.

Some of you who can power a building, need to keep the pace and continue with the struggling, it wasn’t going to be easy, it is not finished when you reach to the top, don’t relax because at the top you fight the hard fights, continue to be consistent, that’s the key to be relevant for years.