You have to take ownership of your life, if you don’t nothing else is going to work, you have to make it count while you are still here. Stay focused, you have to let go of things that have nothing to do with you shaping and molding your ideas to always be where you had always wanted to be. You need to separate these things, it is going to be there to derail your focus from the main struggle, you shouldn’t give room for that, you need to put it behind and keep grinding.

You have come very far to know what should matter and what shouldn’t matter, you need to cut those things which are leech. Energy is cost stop giving it away on something that is built on fragile surface, you need your energy on high intensity, that is your drive when you allow something to drain and suck it up, there will no energy left again to power your dreams and you will become empty. Your purpose in life is the reason why you keep waking up to get to it, that is your drive it is not a joke thing.

Time to think it through

Always embrace your source of energy, wherever the good vibe is coming, you need to keep it sailing on smooth surface. You can’t afford to lose it on a price, when it is no longer there and you don’t have energy to power your dream again its shadow is going to haunt you. It started to be clearer to you when you lose it on a fine, then you realize how indispensable it is. Always keep your circle tight, don’t give room for negative energy, the harder the battle the better the future, it is shaping you up for a phenomenal future.

Things that don’t matter shouldn’t cross your mind, you need to build into it, stay focused always have your eyes on the dream, that dream is who you are, that’s what define your being. It is time to put those bad habits behind and start a new phase, you need to get through it, don’t allow it to keep you distance from your dream. You just have to do it, if you don’t nothing else is going to matter in your life, a lot of folks are holding unto you, you can’t afford to let them down, when you get it done, you also put them on best positions that will make a way for them.


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