Like I’m going to be real, the novelty virus, coronavirus, which has drastically changed the look of everything, prompting different strategies to curtail the spread of the pandemic.

Different measures have been put in place by experts, to help reduce the spread, to avoid the unprecedented state of the virus. The coronavirus which broke out in the city of Wuhan in China, has caused a serious uproar in universe taking lives of many people.

Social distancing, washing your hands properly, avoid touching your face and other measures taken to curtail the widespread of the virus, while WHO and other experts in the field are putting indefatigable efforts to get vaccine or drugs to help fight coronavirus.

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Live like a champion

It is a total meltdown for the world, lives lost, the economical effect and poor people who have been asked to stay at home, without anything to eat, this makes it difficult for some people to actually stay at home, when they know that there’s nothing to eat, you cannot stay at home with empty stomach, it is really devastating.

This is going to be one of the difficult moments of your life, you have been disorganized, not going about your daily life and attending your problems, you have been obliged to stay at home due to coronavirus to partake in curtailing the pandemic. At home what takes up your time? Be careful the kind of spirit you feed right now.

Staying at home, cannot make you to lost your bits, and become less hungry, remember the situation is temporal, don’t come out looking soft, keep the spirit high, get yourself attached to something productive, be valuable to yourself and family right, don’t give room to an unproductive engagements.

Your state of mind matters a lot, help to educate people, who are ignorant of coronavirus to an extent if you have knowledge about the virus. You can do it online, learn to be humane, every single soul is valuable, support in any way you can.

Always remember your bits, hunger and goals keep it intact, don’t give it the chance to die off, remember the sacrifice you have made to be where you’re today, keep the lights shining and stay safe.