“If you know how indispensable your dreams are, you will strive to get closer to it every single day”.
Your source of inspiration is very important, wherever your motivation is coming from, you need to maintain a high tempo to move at the speed of inspiration. Where you come from may not define you, but can certainly say a lot about who you are, and where you’re heading to. Either you’re inspired by where you come from or where you’re heading to, it is a force you have to embrace.
You see kids in the streets, roaming around and playing with all the innocence, caged in the circumstances they have found themselves. At a certain age they began to read meaning into the type of life they are born into, whether they are going to continue with it or strive to make a difference, and such situation inspire “Dream Chaser”.
The character you uphold matter, a man should live by what he represents, and that counts. Upholding good values should be responsibility of the society, but in a situation where society is at its decay, immorality take control and rule all day. People have started to nurture the ideal that being ignoble is cool, “after all many people are doing”. It is sole responsibility of everyone to take part in transforming the society, especially in a situation where change is needed.
So many things happened this year, that tested the degree of your being, the so much you can take. Mistake is a lesson, if you get knocked down and refuse to stand up you have done yourself a whole lot of harm, it is not how many times you get knocked down, it is how many times you’re ready to try again and showing up with fighter’s mentality.
Some children live and don’t even know where their next meal is going to come from, they see each day as an opportunity to approach life while their dreams are still intact, and that, you cannot take away from them, because it is their last hope for survival.
Sometimes you can’t imagine the fate of such children who their parents couldn’t afford basic necessities of life, but they have big dream, clamouring for global stage to announce their arrival and have their names on it. Dreams can take you to the moon, beyond your expectations especially when you’re drawn in it definitely it is going to bear you far, when you apply discipline and consistency.
Where you come from, people do drugs, robbery at high rate, girls are vulnerable, no hope for people living in the community due to what it has come to be. You can defile all the horrible definition they gave it and strive to make a difference, until you change nothing else is going to work.
Young people now go into drugs, with different reasons to knock their pains down, depression, anxiety and possibly untimely deaths. You have to say no to drugs, don’t feel pressurized to do something, many are doing it doesn’t make it cool, what makes it cool is that many are doing, but you choose not to do it because it was wrong approach to life, don’t feel defeated, whenever they feel like they have crushed you or use your circumstances as a weapon to get you down rise like phoenix.
Each step you take in life is very crucial, you cannot underestimate that, it draws you closer to what you would become, without working hard to achieve your dreams it is just a nightmare what you do with what you have make a whole lot of difference, that’s where your potential lies.
“Thrive off the pressure”
There is always a cause of doing something, the motivation behind every drive. Coming from the street you know that, already you’re handicapped the struggle starts from the very first day, you have to deal with that every single day of your life, know where you come from and be cautious of where you’re heading to.
It is like the pressure is there every single day, looking forward to getting your goals in the midst of adversity, where the atmosphere is filled with negativity. When you look back and think forward you will get to understand how indispensable your dreams are, and you put so much of your life energy holding unto it, it is like if you fail you’re going to die.
You will spend so much of your life energy trying to hold yourself together, giving it all of you. Keep fighting for this. If you’re not ready to throw yourself in the battlefield or afraid to compete, you will continually get whooped. Your ability to give life the taste of its own medicine, give your mentality something to ride on.
Whatever they tell you, just know it is not going to be easy. It is a long process and one big fight. Everyone is in the battlefield looking for prey, it is either you’re a predator or a prey, no mercy people will eat you up if you fail to live up to your full potential, that’s why if you understand this you will get to see how life is, everyday is like a final.
The pressure is coming from every angle, sometimes it is hard to deal with especially when it is draining your energy and putting your life energy in the line, definitely you’re going to have bad days and those days are the most phenomenal part of your life, your reaction towards it will determine how long you’re going to keep in touch with your dreams.
Embrace pressure without pressure you might not discover new things in your life, trail times only remind you how strong and indefatigable you are. It will only make or mar you, be on the best side and explore what life has chosen for you, you don’t get the chance to choose anything it is a rumble in the jungle stay tuned and don’t give in.
The struggle is a continuous process, don’t think that when you go to the top that is your resting place, it is where you take off from. No one is going to take you serious more than you do for yourself neither can they ease your pressure, they only add numbers to already existed ones, the pressure is always there thrive off the pressure.
“Your relationship is very important”
Healthy relationship is very important, your partner plays a significant role in keeping you in the track. Know what you want, be specific about your objectives in your relationship, don’t go into any relationship realizing only that you’re clueless, remember that no matter how they claim they do love you, they will always use your weakness against you.
Know your worth, know your gain. The way you present yourself and the impression you give people about yourself matter a lot. You are what you say you’re are. Your impression does much of the talking, have self worth, people cannot treat you as trash when you place good values on who you’re.
It is easier to make money than to have a healthy relationship, at this point many people faltered because it takes a lot of energy to make it works, and your relationship matters, yes it does. Implore good communication skills, make your relationship look as it was on the very first day, there is always a room for improvement.
Don’t focus on outlook, go deeper. You spend so much time saying “she looks good”, “he looks good”, that’s only what you could see because you’re focusing on the flimsy areas, no soul connecting your focus on beauty have duration, with time it can go away, but with soul it can take you on a journey that you will never find a book which will contain your adventures.
No need to rush, take your time think it through, is he the kind of person you want, are you the type he wants. This is life journey, it doesn’t accept mistake for answers, such crucial decisions need enough time. When you’re in your lucid moments and you’re sure about it, it is in your hands to make an exemplarily home.
Always have the atmosphere for settlement. Relationships are not perfect, obviously there are going to be fights and disagreements, and such moments are essential to strengthen the bond you too have together. Accepting your flaw and making it right, but if you allow your pride to ruin and make you lose an important person in your life, you will end up not finding someone closer to that person’s personality.
The relationship you have with other people need to be healthy, with your community and working place. One thing you cannot do for sure is trying to discomfort yourself to comfort others, it will have everlasting negative impacts on your self-esteem, people will have their opinions about you, but it doesn’t matter “imma prove them wrong”.
Don’t feel inferior to anyone, they would always want you to be what they think you should be, not your real self. Opinions are always there, what matters is what you think about yourself, and you need to make it counts. Create and live in your world, don’t live in another person’s world.
“I’m just fighting for my life”
It is always going to be about yourself not anyone else’s. Give it all of you, do it like your whole being is anchored on your dreams, this is who you’re that’s what you’re fighting for, your life. If you don’t fight for your life, nobody is going to fight it for you, take up the challenge and deliver, because that is what true lions do.
Execute all the time, have plans, it is always going to be a fight your approach to it will give you the results you deserve. You have to put so much into it, this is what is going to determine your future and it doesn’t worth throwing away like garbage, it is you versus everyone you know, it doesn’t matter what they say just one shot at life and you screw everybody else.
This is your base, your territory. If you fail to fight for your life, you can only expect the worse. Your pride is very important don’t make mockery of it, protect your pride. You have seen the light, keep working in that light allow it to take you to next level and then you explore and become the greatest version of your by giving it all of you.
“if I fail I’m going to die”
When there is no excuse for not living up to your fullest potential, you give everything that if you fail you’re going to die. It is fighter’s mentality and right approach to life, don’t have nonchalant attitude to something that matters the most, when it involves your life it requires all the energy to push it through without holding anything back, throw in your full potential like if you fail you’re going to die.
The harder you work, the harder is for you to give up, when giving up is no longer part of you, getting your goals and achieving your dreams become your ultimate priority, you live beyond giving in. You forget how it is like to become soft, because life can only become harder, it wasn’t made to become easy, it is every day fight, fight your way to the top.
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