The role of technology in this current dispensation is something that has occupied large number of human activities, especially young people who can hardly detach themselves from tech related topics, which has formed keywords and predominant trend in their conversations. A computer based work which is overly applicable today in many companies, is shaping creative nature of this crop of young people, as they are looking to create something that has never been seen before or modernized ones that are already in existence, to match the demands, it all lead way to a sustainable world.
Young people crave for technology
There has to be line drawn for everything but the emergence and evolving topics of technology has no limit amongst young people. Parents are concerned with amount of time spent on phones and laptops, which could pose a damaging effect to the health of the kids and largely; state of mind. Internet has turned to everything for young people, in as much the nature of its inventiveness, they have also turned it into a home and school simultaneously. The amount of information they are getting on the internet, is definitely going to affect their perception, and the way they react to news, from positive to negative aspect will always play out with their behaviours.
There has to be good level of equilibrium in learning, in order not to leave an important part that needs to evolve with other parts untouched. Many things are playing out; joining interest groups, comments on topics considered relevant, playing video games and peers online group as a tool for study at school. It varies from starting point to the end point, what they make of it, drawing the line from the relevancy of their objectives, to the effect it has on course for sustainability around the globe.
Technology, a tool for learning
Learning has taken a whole new different shape, at the comfort of your home, you can access as much files as possible that can aid you, on your research on a particular topic of interest. It is way of young people educating themselves and be equipped to contribute or make inputs on matters of interest especially when it concerns public interest. It can stretch as long as making connections with people from different countries of the world, to have a common connection which arose out of interest and input on concerning areas of life, then it grows from that sphere.
It broadens one’s skill on effective communication with other people, the ability to express yourself and conduct yourself in proper decorum. It promotes sense of belongingness, once there are shared interests, and from there one can form its own ideas and philosophy, which should not be rigid, there should be flexibility, this is because learning is continuous. It is proper tool for self-esteem, the ability to interact effectively in diverse community of people, will give you a tip of what leadership connotes in that restrictive sense.
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With the development ranging from economic, political and social effects, young people are breaking barriers to conversations, they are readily involved and lending voices in the decision making, they now feel that the future resides with them, playing active role while creative a good ambience where they can learn, create and be of services to the people. They are joining the conversations on the issue affecting mankind, it is lead way to achieve desired goals on sustainable development to effect change positively.
Potential risk posed for young people
The help of technology in self-development is enormous but, character and manners are not something you learn online, it is a separate training that emanates from background, culture and principles. Young people need to be protected and guided orderly on their use of internet which often time can create chaotic time moving forward in their lives. Body shaming, cyberbullying, trolling and making jokes with obscene photographs. All these have varying disastrous effects but one detrimental purpose; to cause a stain to one’s character and confidence which can slow down development and mar future growth.
There have to be cultured teachings and inculcating principles to surmount those possible defect to character mentioned above. And it is reoccurring when young people continue to view negative comments melted on them, they now have to invent fault where there is not, because they have already created mental picture of where everything is wrong with them. It takes strong will and character to rebut those invented faults, and see life through their own lenses and create their world thereon.
The role of AI and what future work place will look like
A lot has been said about Artificial Intelligence [AI], and the role of future employees. The development of AI, comes with the ability of a digital computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. The growing outcry and concern on workplace, has led to calls to pause of systems “more powerful” than Microsoft-backed [MSFT.O] OpenAI’s new GPT-4, which can hold human-like conversation, compose songs and summarise lengthy documents, this calls to pause the development was signed by Elon Musk and more than 1,000 AI experts.
Bill Gates has held contrary view as regards to the wide outcry to pause AI. Microsoft co-founder has said that calls to pause the development of AI will not solve the challenges. He went further, “I don’t think asking one particular group to pause the challenges,” he continued “clearly there’s huge benefits to these things… what we need to do is identify the tricky areas.” While everyone is looking at it from different point of view it will be interesting to see how they are going to play out, especially in determining the role of future workers in many companies.