Don’t get outworked from your own grind, you owe the grind and you have to fight every single day like your life depends on it. This is a project dreams and a vision you conceived to get you through the rain. You have to get over your own self, the dream is bigger than you, you have to see it from that perspective that’s how you conquer the process and impose yourself, you control every other things surrounding the atmosphere, the energy around is going to play pivotal role in getting you closer to your dreams and life will began to make a meaning to you.

It is your life and you have to do what you feel passionate about, you have to ignite the dream and bring into forefront of your life, you have to be ready for the grind, stay ready and stay hungry to take it to a whole different new level. Be accountable to yourself, it is full force turning the dream into a reality, you owe the grind the fulfillment of the dream, it is there for you to take, it is all yours to take but the willingness and readiness you show consistently is going to give you what you always wanted to be, there is the end product if you’re all there to take your space.

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You have to stay disciplined and maintain your schedule, you’re going to do away with some certain things in life, which are not part of what you’re becoming, and it is always sacrificing who you’re now for who you will become in the future. It is everyday process to get you through that rain, it is the conglomeration of these grinds that metamorphosed into a beautiful future, what you think about your grind will make a difference. The bigger the dream, the harder the grind, it creates an escape route for you to navigate your way through and make a name for yourself.

Be ready to go all the way for the dream, it is generational course you are fighting for, when you create that route through your grind, younger generation that is coming up will grind in your name through that you are making representation. It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks about your dream, you need to have plan and believe, it might sounds unrealistic today but tomorrow you are going to compel them to believe through your achievements that’s how you get paid through the grind, stand for your dream, if your dreams do not scare you, they aren’t big.   


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