Every mistake is a lesson, that’s the best experience life is adamant about, it teaches it exactly the way it is, but life keeps getting harder, too much work nothing to show for it, life has hit us different, it doesn’t seem equal, but no matter how it is, you will get exposed to its hard lessons, thinking about the energy you have put in to continue the struggle, you have come too far to give up, it is a sign of you that you should never give up.

You may not have to fight the same fight with another person, we deal with things differently, we all have different kind of pains, and we approach it our ways and best way possibly best for us, at the end it shows small progress, and we start to have thoughts in our mind, which could be dangerous for the struggle.

Many experiences which have shaped our lives, and play important role in the process, which triggered our motivation to fight for what we believed. No one says it is going to be easy, if it is easy everyone would have done that, you hear a lot of positive and negative stories on cause to be a better human being.

Whenever you think of giving up, think about how far you have come, think about energy and time taken, think about people who are hoping on you for survival, then you will know it doesn’t worth backwards, look back and see how far you have gone, it is going to be a hard mission but not impossible.

Childhood is full of lots of experiences, which directs the paths one may choose to follow, sometimes the bad experience becomes source of an inspiration, some people who never felt the affection of their parents due to the circumstances which make their parents unable to be with them, believed that they are born to suffer and that mentality keep pushing them.

They have fighter’s mentality, never give up mentality, often hard to break, they believe so much in their abilities and to explore any opportunities that come their way, although this is limited to them, people who embark on self-discovery and discover their purpose in life often share the same mentality with them, but these people were more practical and took it upon themselves to recycle their pain.

Reality is a bit different from what will say, life is very practical, embrace the struggle, you have come to far where giving up is no longer an option, continue to fight for this dream, it is all about you, what you want for yourself and the way people around you are going to benefit from it, what ever you do good in life, it is going to an open door to people around you and even beyond that.

We still waste our energy on things that never worth it, if will continue to channel our energy on things which is far from helping us in life, it will only drain us inside, that’s why we need to be cautious of kind of energy we feed.

It may seem impossible, take the risk, the results don’t come to quick, it is like the time of cultivation and harvest, it takes up a longer period, during cultivation you do everything within your power, not only that you need to know that it takes longer period for it to mature and ready for harvest. It is about setting your goals and be determined towards achieving it, then when the harvest comes, it is going to be something you will forever be proud of, because it is the time, nothing can stop it.