Christmas dust has now settled, it is time to unwrap gifts, the feeling of desired gifts from different people might have hit the rock bottom, which will be hard pill to swallow. When curiosity and excitement of expectations are dealt with in a bad way emotions will spring up whether to return the gifts or exchange it with another. Irrespective of what you receive as Christmas present you need to show appreciation, understanding that it takes an extra care and love to get a gift for someone, and that’s a pathway to handle bad gifts that failed to meet your expectations, unless you have high entitlement mentality not recognize the kind gesture.

Managing gifts disappointments varies children and adults are not expected to have the same reactions even with the same disappointments, the former are most likely to be animated about their disappointments even reject the gifts instantly or throw fists on the air to show refusal. At this stage they lack the emotional strength to process the scenario differently, even when they are taught to say thank you when they receive a gift, when they do such, it is important that adults around them, particularly parents or guardians correct and encourage them to show appreciation above all.

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The weight attached to gifts may make it seems as if everything revolves around it, but the reality is that the excitement is short-lived. The impression it gives to the person who buys present always play crucial role in maintaining relationships, when an uncle buys present for his niece and nephew, and it turns out that such gifts were transferred to nanny’s children, and when the uncle sees it, the disappointment in his face can strain the whole relationships. Handling bad gifts come with lots of accommodation, especially to the status of relationship of the person who presented the gifts.

Gift givers might feel less concerned about the type of gift they bring to different individuals, that’s when poor gifting occurs. It can be handled very well to preserve the sanctity of the relationship, when someone is handed a flight ticket to spend the new year in a country he expresses no interest of whatsoever or even negative personal judgment against such country, not to avoid instant refusal, if options of switch are available, it serves an escape route to preserve everything both the gift and the relationship shared. Asking before buying present can make it a lot relieving and mutual, but people who choose to surprise their loved ones which is great affection, but when it goes all wrong, they look beyond the gifts and look at intentions.


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