Why There Are High Chances For Divorcees To Reinvent Themselves

When you go through that moment of divorce, there are a lot that comes from that situation, the feeling of dejectedness will preoccupy your mind, then it will constantly be a worry and burden to carry, and remind you, how you have let yourself down. It is moment of going through your mental list, and the question that often posed is that a broken glass can never be put together again or maintain its original state, a smallest attempt to do that will leave your hands flowing with blood. You cannot count yourself out in such situation, the room is wide to reinvent yourself and to be a better person by returning to the basis and fix it from the very scratch.

Your sanity is very indispensable, you cannot let the situation to run you over, standing on that point of view and to fight a worthy cause. You have to know your person, but when these little details are neglected it will leave a broken marriage, but it is not fatal, the world does not stop from there, you can’t write yourself off. You have to start that self-assessing talk, going into your subconscious mind to evaluate what has transpired, you have to show courage and resolute to go all out, and don’t let your vulnerability at that time to overwhelm you, stepping outside of your own self will trigger moment of clarity.

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You have to first, accept your vulnerability before you can go forward; finding the requisite tool to reinvent yourself. Going through divorce can not only have psychology effect, lack of family support and the thought of raising kids alone, will definitely be the predominant topics. It is about character and the willingness to step outside that zone, it can be choking at that time, you need the breathe to free yourself, what you cannot doubt is the power you have to pull through during those moments, once it is a worthy cause don’t get daunted, it is about where your life is going to be after the divorce.

The struggle of single parenting creates that unstable atmosphere where kids used to see both parents listening to them and taking care of them, all of sudden one is no longer there, as feeble as their minds and reasoning are, they will feel that one who is always around adore them more, and the other care less about them. Children can be used a machinery to frustrate the process, especially for a partner who is leaning towards that lane to make it difficult. There have to be terms put together, where the kids will be prioritized.

You need to start listening to yourself again, it is hard when you have detached from your own self, and just be a person that has nothing to do with your existence. You cannot let yourself to go into extinction, to reconnect and move forward, you need a proper conversation with your younger self full of hope and dreams, that’s where the energy is going to come from, returning to the basis and start creating that beautiful goals and more eager to attain it now. There are memories that you are going to take along with you, but you have to learn how to wither away the storm.

Chukwuebuka Ogbu


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