It is saddening when you lost your loved ones, you tend to mourn then in the best possible way you can with all the memories they left behind, but when a celebrity dies or someone who has touched many lives, everyone expresses themselves as if they never lived before.

Life is full of explorations, you choose your own path and live with it. There is no lie that people think about how they will be celebrated when they died, they work more on after life than satisfying the true existence of their being.

Some people are doing a tremendous work behind the scene, and they fall short of praises, the time they needed it the most, while on earth there is no way to be found, but their death make a whole lot of difference.

When someone dies people who are close to them, think more about the positive aspects of their lives, where they have inspired and make a difference, the happy memories they are going to leave behind.

You have every reason to respect the memories of people, who have one way or another contributed to your growth in life, people who made you who you’re and created an opportunity for you to take on.

Nothing is guaranteed in life, you live every single day of your life like is your last day, if you want to be remembered, not everyone gets to fulfilled their dreams, people perish with their dreams in most disastrous way.

It seems like people have more to say about dead heroes than living heroes, if at all they are still living heroes, dead heroes left a huge legacy and footsteps to follow on, you tend to satisfy the curiosity of an alter ego.

People anticipate so much on after life, the religious aspect of, if you do good and live good, the promise of luxurious eternity. Religion has contributed more in celebrating dead heroes, because they believed in good foundation and exceptional life they have lived.

Some people don’t realize how important someone close them are, until their demise then the person’s absence will be hugely noticed, and they make out the happy memories of their lives, some people argued it is wasteful if they don’t get to see all the encomium.

Human being worth celebrating in whatever way the people close to do them choose to do, their examplary or memories cannot be traded with anything, it is once in a lifetime, death and life.