Marriage is a union of two people who love themselves unconditionally, although other people might have a different opinions on what make up a marriage, regardless it arrives at the bottom line of love, with the hope of having children, which is the end product of love.

In Africa, marriage is seen differently, like a huge success one will attain in life, marriage is viewed as an achievement in Africa, which has lead to so many crisis, especially broken relationships and home violence.

Sometimes family will give out their daughter even when she shows no attraction to the supposed suitor, just to make sure she doesn’t grow old in her father’s house, women are not attributed to success due to their stance on religion, where religion place them, which cause immovable society.

It is time to build a society closer to perfection, something like this can’t be happening, there is this part of our culture that is completely violating, there is every need to scrap it and attain what is obtainable in the society, living to true meaning of its creed.

Africa have got to the climax of marriage, using marriage to perpetrate all kinds of awful act, young girls have been pushed into marriage, even when they refuse the idea, still their family see it as a way to liberate themselves from poverty by marrying their daughter off to a wealthy husband, not minding what the innocent girl is going to pass through in the forced marriage.

Africa have placed a huge bounty on marriage, to the extent that if you reach a certain age and refuse to marry, they will see you as a cursed person, somebody hunted from spiritual husband or spiritual wife, all these ideas by religious people make it hard for the continent to push further.

Men who are reluctant due to their financial stability, will be pushed by their families even when it is obvious he lacks what it takes to build a family, all these pressure is to procreate, then leaving the children vulnerable in the street.

Young ladies suffer the most on this, even when they decide to make an independent woman, work for their wealth and protect themselves, it is not always go well with them, because society will tag them prostitutes and kind of ignoble related jobs.

Marriage shouldn’t be seen as an achievement in Africa, such mentality will continue to draw this continent ten steps backward, people should allow to live their lives once they are not trespassing in another’s, that’s when society respects its inhabitants.

Marriage should not be bore out of pressure from family, friends or society, everyone has the right to live, and be responsible for the decisions they make, nobody should be pressured to get married, marriage is too deep for someone to accept a person she doesn’t like just for financial affluence.