These are people who have done a selfless work since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, health workers could be seen as the heroes when all is set and done, because they have sacrificed their well being, to make sure the number of confirm cases are reducing everyday. And have put enormous efforts in finding the vaccine or drug to eliminate coronavirus.

Wuhan the city in China where the pandemic was first discovered. Since then health workers have been putting in their very best to stop the spread of coronavirus, but unfortunately it turns out to be global pandemic, which have claimed many lives, despite that it didn’t weaken them, they are out there without their families or relatives, saving lives and keen to end the pandemic.

So far there have been progress regarding to the pandemic, some countries are responding very well to measures to stop the spread of coronavirus. Supermarkets are closed, religious gathering and big events. Football leagues in many countries have been suspended till further notice, although measures are being put in place to see how some leagues could be completed, leagues like English Premier League are having fruitful discussion to see how they could complete the competition in a short period of time.

Heroes step up when they are needed the most, and our health workers have proven to be one, working round the clock to provide global solution which will put an end to the pandemic.

They expected everyone to cooperate with them, and helping to stop the spread of the pandemic, they perfectly understood the emotion. Everyone wants to go out and go about their normal life, we should stay calm and be optimistic for this short period of time, while they are healing the world.

This is the time to come together as one, join hands together in defeating the pandemic, which will be a true fight, and when hands are joined together bigger solutions and will definitely end the dreadful pandemic.