Love is a deep affection one shows to another, without expecting anything in return, but true love have it own chapter, which deeply rooted inside love. The kind of love our parents showed centuries ago is not something in vogue now, it is totally two different things.

At a very young age you’re, troubled with less problem or nothing at all, your books and eating, while parents take care of the other things, and that special person you like seeing everyday, even though, there is no courage to talk to that person, you embrace the feelings from afar, but it is deeper than that.

The world is changing so fast, so does humans, you hear say something like ‘you have changed a lot, you’re definitely not the same person I knew years back’.

A lot of dreams, growing old with their first love, because they think that, it is exactly how it is should be, enjoying the closeness and affection, but when small problem arise, they are easily tore apart, at that point you question your feelings and the thoughts you have nurtured in your mind, whether it even worth it at all.

Inspire Love

You lack proper foundation going into relationship, you think it is something, you’re going to enjoy, but there is critical part of it you hardly explain very well. When it gets serious, it gets more practical than something you watch on Netflix.

At early age a good number of people have had series of relationships, jumping from one relationship to another, because they have made it difficult among them to stay without being in a relationship, there by getting it all wrong.

It is really difficult to find a true love, even when someone shows all the affection, you will still find it hard to be convinced, then when you’re totally in love, they can’t be reciprocated.

You dream a lot about your first love, how you would have kids together, make plans together and live forever, infidelity and lack of trust come in between and tear everything apart, then people no longer believe in true love, they see it as a sham, that is why ‘play boy’, ‘runs girls’ are very common nowadays, few people are dedicated in building long term relationships, while true love revolves around it.

Many people desired to find true love, a person who is going to love despite all odds, but sometimes they think, if they become realistic definitely it will expose the vulnerable aspect of their lives, you don’t really know how you’re going to present yourself in your relationship, you’re unsure of yourself because you don’t want your partner to notice or detect your flaws.

People talk about heart breaks, it is common on internet, lamenting how they give everything in the relationship, just to be cheated on, one person dating more than one, no commitment.

Despite the odds surrounding true love, many people still long for true love, to have a wonderful relationship, building a perfect home, even when you’re not at your best, there is always room for improvement and accepting your flaws and correcting it, things will flow calmly. This is why finding true love is harder than you thought, it is long term commitment while also pursuing your dreams.