Under the pass years democracy has been humiliated, but now it is under attack globally and on verge of decay. Democracy cannot stand without people, people are the democracy and democracy are the people, it is coexistence which form the government to best represent the populace interest in the political settings. This was Abraham Lincoln view when he opined on the importance of keeping the best system of government alive.

It is without any prejudice in saying that political parties are strong arm of democracy, it is there that foundation of democracy is laid on solid foundation, but when this institution began to act contrary to the true intent of their origin, measures must be taken to preserve the best system of government, which is fast approaching to decay and reinventing a dangerous which will the institution demise.democracy

Political parties have been a strong advocate of advertising lies, propaganda, conspiracy theory and fake news. This is highly operational in the US, Mr Trump, who was impeached twice, historical quagmire, was very vocal about spreading his own agenda, on the credibility of the election and alleging voter fraud. This has mounted a great threat to the US democratic institutions and outside influence.

Democracy heading in a dangerous direction

Political parties in Africa has been an instrument of suppression and oppression, through this institution, people’s voices are not heard and they go through all kind of political threats and harassment. People are losing hope on it, as the term “democracy” is on paper only, not in reality, it represents everything not related to people’s consent.

This institution is an independent organ, it needs no political party to keep it moving, this is anchored around people, the true definition revolve within the ambit and preserving peoples’ involvement in the politics. In a world that is fact-free is hard to preserve the customary culture and easy to spread all kind of conspiracy theories, in order to keep hiding agenda, which is meant to attack democracy, going.