Nothing gives you inner tranquility with yourself, than the feeling that you’re hundred percent realistic in everything you do, although critiques might see it differently but that is just the way you’re, giving everything it true identity, despite the hurdles.

Life is unfair, and make it hard for you to be real or believe that some people are real, the nature of the society makes it look like people put up with some certain situations at their own interests, even when they detest every aspect of it.

Whatever you do in life, whether good or bad, you must have critiques, may be it is just life nobody gets satisfy with what you are offering, ready to point out mistakes, it is either you’re not getting it right or you have fall short again.

What people think about you don’t really count, what count is who you are and what you are, people you have meet in life have different opinions about your personality, it is either they compliment you or they bad-mouth you, but you hold that inside, knowing that you are true with yourself.

You can lie to everyone, but you can’t to yourself, your conscience is either the good or evil in you, it will always have a way to hunt and expose you, when need be, your conscience can make you stress free as well.

One who lacks any atom of true in whatever one is doing, will find it hard to make progress in life, at some point, relationships which requires every bit of sincerity will be hard for them, due to their personal traits which contradict with the situation they are into.

The first happiness you find is yourself, if you’re not at peace with yourself you can’t be at peace anybody, your life will be full of bitter experience even positive aspect yourself will be overshadowed with negativity.

Happiness is natural, you can’t pretend to be happy, it is more than that, it is something that comes on it own, when you hold nothing against anybody, and live your life without trespassing of any kind, then happiness becomes your daily routine even when you’re in distress, happiness will overshadow it.

It is better to be real than fake something of any kind, because it won’t last, one day you will be exposed to all the elements, and what will be make out of you, embrace what you are, don’t try to be something else.

You have everything to be proud of when you’re true with yourself, whatever the circumstances may be, you approach with enthusiasm and coming out happy, when you’re realistic with yourself everything falls in place and you will be proud of the person you have become.