Show respect for your craft, that’s your pride don’t play with it, keep growing above your own and discover yourself, don’t just live because you think others are living, show some pride.
Take pride, don’t apologise for who you’re, fight for your position, you cannot allow it to be taken away, whenever you lose your space, try to recapture, it is mentality of a true champion.
When you find your purpose in life, wake up every single day going after it, don’t waste time feeling bad for yourself, you have got to have fighter’s mentality, be a greater version of yourself.
Don’t waste your time and energy listening to negative talk, when you listen to negative, you began to speak negative, act negative, don’t let life of negativity come into your life, it will done more harm than you could imagine.
Implore hard-working, see yourself in different levels, think positive, speak positive, act positive, be an architect of your own life, always try to be positive, it will push further your chance of coming out great.
How do you see yourself? The dark side of it, especially when you feel sorry for yourself, that’s an act of cowardice, get your own self affirmation, be ready to put it to work.
Don’t just wait for good things to happen, if you continue to wait for good things to happen to you, you will lose your pride and become a victim, wake up and grind.
Don’t get another version of yourself, it speaks low about your personality, living immitating life or directly mimicking someone else’s style of life, have self esteem, feel good about yourself.
Your pride will get your goals for you depending on how you implore it, make use of it effectively, your goals are your priority work to get those goals.
Feel some originality inside you, don’t wake up by accident, picture life with experience and lessons, know what you want for yourself and reach out to make it happen.
Other people’s thoughts and views, dont actually affect your pride they can talk and accept what they want to, learn to work, open to new learning and execute your plans, be authoritative with your goals, hold it to yourself, everyone mustn’t see the details.
Get a role model for yourself, that’s where your pride lies, it is a path to success, it gives you direction in life and what exactly you’re going after, activate your best mode to reach your targets in life.