We are not going to do everything, to keep success around the corner, but we need to do something, we have to keep moving forward, that is a way success can be guaranteed.

Before you start moving forward, look back, check something you need to fix, before trying to embark on the journey, it is not something you’re going to do haphazardly, you need proper formation and organization to make this happen.

Your mental state is really very important, it needs to be at its peak, inwardly one might be broken, while outward one feels strong, in moving forward mental and physical state need to be at their best.

Before you start moving forward, fix your life, fix your relationship with your kids, wife and relatives. You can only give your hundred percent attention to your career when you’re at peace with yourself.

Don’t try to move ahead without getting everything in perfect condition, the way you handle things, can guarantee your future outcome, always be calm, and know when you’re meant to press the button, remember to press it very well.

You can’t move forward until you get rid of the old, you have many things you’re not fixing. At this point your motivation is very important, you need to understand your drive, and what is that, which is driving you.

That is the first phase, second phase comes with determination to push forward, some awful encounter is going to come your way, speculations surrounding your drive, this is part of it, that you’re going to deal with, handling stress and your career.

Remember you can’t move forward until you fix the main frame, you have some problems you ain’t fixing, take it upon yourself, you can’t wait any longer, until you fix the main frame nothing is going to work, get more practical with your life.

If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward, that’s your motivation, you need to find energy source that work for you and make something out of it.

You can’t start building until you get rid of the old and weak foundation, and start anew. This is not time to play you need to get serious with your life, unless life will not get serious with you, draw from your pain. It doesn’t matter where you come from, if you have the right mentality to push forward, the end product will be phenomenal.