Your breakthrough comes from your sacrifice those moments that stretch your mentality to the extreme that mould you into a champion. It is what you do today that is going to give you the victory tomorrow and lead you to that path you have prepared for yourself. Don’t despair in such circumstances, it is in those moments that you bring out the beast in you and live up to the true meaning of your creed. You have to fight for your place, nobody is going to take your dream seriously as you would, you need to get out of your own skin and start living for the life which you’re determined to build for yourself, that’s only going to bring out the champion in you.

It is always hard on the road to your destination point, it is not going to be easy, if it is easy, everyone would have done it, but it is for those who are determined to come out a champion. Life is going to throw you punches and probably going to sway from your purpose in life, but in those moment that defined your championship status whether you are champion enough to compete in this championship, but you have to keep going knowing that you can’t storm forever, because you can only run with your hope in your heart, at the end of the journey you are going to inspire the process.

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For champions, it is always extreme execution of your dreams, you don’t need to be complacent out there, once you are, another person is coming in to leapfrog you of that position, so once you are there give it every ounce of you, it is in that moment of sacrifice that comes your greatness you have to live for such moment. You only live once, do what you feel passionate about, have guts and follow that, if you are not willing to take the risk and drive yourself out of the mud, it is going to be fatal, you just have to put your head down and keep working away with the pain.

Stay true to yourself and your dreams, it is going to be championship tussle out there, you have to train your mind every single day to cope with the pressure that comes with being a champion. If it worth doing, it worth doing very well so give it the best of you, that’s going to guarantee you as a champion. Stay humble and stay hungry, don’t get satisfied once you are comfortable out there, you are already setting a limit for yourself keep forging ahead it is in that moment you use to inspire other people and understand the essence of life.


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