We are in a tough situation, things are being desecrated, the normal daily goings are no more. We have been reduced to lockdown prior to coronavirus pandemic, which is savaging the world, the situation is very unstable, the dreadful pandemic have reduced humans to nothing.
Actually this is not the time to feel pity on others, or on the situation, if the world gets tough, you get tougher, extra work is required of you. It is disheartening how people lost their lives, health workers have put in their efforts and lives at stake to curtail the spread of the pandemic.
This pandemic should inspire you, positively. This is not the time to chill or have fun, it is time to awaken the beast in you, you’re a lion in the field of lions, make yourself exceptional amongst other lions, that’s what real beasts do, they grind no matter the circumstances.
Nothing change, we are in recession so what? Remember we have been through such thing, it has been pain all our lives, why is this one different, because you’re in lockdown, and you think it is a time to chill, awaken that beast, that’s all you have to do this period.
This is time to go deep, grind harder. Remember what beasts do, no situation define them, they can thrive despite the circumstances they have found themselves, they’re phenomenally willed, there hungers never go away, they embrace trails and rough situations.
Don’t waste time to do something that will be of no help to you, utilize this period. Discover yourself, your happiness, your guts and your goals, it is very important, use this period to awaken the beast, push harder, strive and use it to make impacts in lives of others.
Be more productive, life is unfair. Channel your energy in things that push you to discover the best version of yourself. Engage yourself this period, this is not time to go idle. Don’t let that beast sleep, awaken the beast and enter into beast mode, that’s what real beast do everyday, they push themselves to do more, they never settled for less.