Infidelity in a relationship, usually give a cause to worry and probably giving partners the sense of cheating, which can lead to break up in a relationship, the truth about cheating, is contradictory, it is not the way you see it that others will see it and vice versa, it has different views but arrives at the same conclusion.

Mike Pence the US vice president has refused to dine alone with any woman except his wife. A rule guided by his strong religious convictions. It might be a way of showing respect to his wife Karen.

Many people have interpreted the whole scenarios, it doesn’t go well with some people who think, that Mr Pence is being disrespectful towards women, not everyone buys his idea some sees it as issue of gender inequality.

Lack of communication and understanding have an important role to play in relationships, communication is really necessary in relationships, when started to avoid each other, it might give your partner the notion that you’re into something else.

Doubting in relationships, cause a lot of problems be open about your dealings and the expectations you have for the relationship, avoiding communication, which is a great tool in relationships can hinder any love which might have existed between the two.

Understanding each other is a what should be worked on, at this point it doesn’t matter who is wrong or right, it is mutual understanding which supposed to exist to avoid any questions.

Correct your partner whenever they derail from the track of relationship, but never do it in a rude, try to be as soft you can be in tone, with that you can keep healthy relationship.

Buying meals for opposite sex can be considered as cheating for some people, they see it like this, a person who you are not in romantic relationship with, buying meals for such person can trigger infidelity, it will not end in buying meals alone, it can be considered beyond that.

Women attitude towards workplace relationships they think it is a bit complicated, especially when you know that you’re in relationship, work can be bring a bit of intimacy.

Especially when you see your crush coming to work, you will be like ‘wow!’ that’s it you can’t deny it, you like seeing them around, at some point at work, you might be tempted to cheat.

The truth about cheating, they believe at some point in their lives, the are probably going to cheat with their colleagues at work place, a person who is into relationship, married couple. This cause of infidelity can lead to divorce.

We seem to surround ourselves with similar adulterous, or non-adulterous people when you accuse your partner of cheating or, you sense that might have cheated. It is probably you’re going to cheat in future and might have cheated in the past.

It hurts the most when you accuse your partner of infidelity, which they are ignorant of, it can spicy up everything in a relationship, and going to look shabby, probably leading to its end.

Maintaining loyalty is more important than protecting one’s feelings loyalty is rare, that’s why you see people comfortably admitting they are cheating, loyalty is way more important, than what anyone might fell.

Infidelity is number one cause of divorce many people have ended their marriages citing the same issues, no one would like to continue a marriage is obvious that infidelity exists.

Forgiveness is more likely when cheating is an isolated incident which is in more condition to continue any relationship, when an apology is offered.

Grandiose narcissists wanted to assert power and control over their relationships when there was a threat of emotional infidelity.

Vulnerable narcissists after emotional infidelity spent more time worrying and had more negative emotions, they took the infidelity personally.