The world is endowned with many things which aid humans to strive and make something out of it. The trouble with the world cannot be over emphasized.

The problem of leadership, it is has been a thorn on a flesh, a giant obstacle to humanity which human entity has recored a great setback.

Taking the mantle for leadership is a great task, but here the corrupt people misuse it and have place it to a way of enriching themselves, very few have the tendency to serve others and give a selfless service which is expected of them, those vultures who parade themselves as leaders go on seeking for war when power is not in their circumference, what kind of dream such people have to achieve, no one can deny the contribution of leadership to human kind, seeing how it has nurtured bloodg rivalry due to selfish interest, there are so many people to get the work done, due to the gluttony of looting have caputured them, no conscience to think like human.

Where the poor masses went wrong. Although everyone is not guilty of this one, some people are more advanced to others, a situation where by their opinion are strictly adhered and can contribute to decision making.

While reverse is the case to others, who their opinion are void, when you speak up, you be put behind bars. The poor masses should follow justice not money to your own expense and to the detriment of other people, it is inhuman. Humanity above all.

Whenever we learned to place humanity above, and continue fighting for what is beneficial it will have a huge impacts in our lives. The trouble with the world aren’t specific, anywhere you’re try and make a difference, influence your environment.

Keep building that connection that will help, educate millions of people out there, continue setting unbeatable standards for others to follow,it will surely make a way.