The Time Africa Need To Listen To The Clamour Of “Big Children”

Africa can be better than these all round quagmire. “Big children” used as a metaphor to reflect on the plights of people, who feel belittled by the system, whose dreams and hopes are thrown into burning furnace without any remorse.

You have to push yourself, but there is certain physical forces which contribute to make it possible, there is government that directs the affairs of the states, and take absolutely control of the leadership by making sure they provide easy flow of activities in their countries.

Africa have what it takes to be far from where they are now, education sector is a dog mess, dilapidated buildings and unqualify educationists, without any proper foundation, mismatch of appointments.

This is not time to show how inhumane you’re, to serve public requires impeccable establishment, if you’re not going to drive the continent forward you have no business of serving or representing the masses, their voices speak for them, the clamour is becoming unbearable.

Anybody appointed should to an extent have a solid information on what to do, mismatch of appointments dominant Africa’s political system, a medical doctor oversees the affairs of ministry of agriculture, putting ministry in its lowest standard, a medical doctor lacks clues on what to do because this is not his area of specialization, one way or another they were to maneuver and compensate him and shattering millions of dreams.

Africa’s health system is very inferior that leaders fly abroad for treatment by making mockery of health sector in Africa. Hospitals in Africa are for poor masses who can’t afford expensive hospitals for treatment, leaders should lead by example, in Africa it doesn’t work it is always everything unusual.

Continent that breeds talented and hard working people, what the masses are clamouring for is enabling environment for them to strive, ease the pain so they can strive regardless, it is not too much to ask for, Africa have huge talents but they all got to waste because leaders care less about their people.

Continent overshadowed with unnecessary religious rivalries, what then is religion without humans, if you can’t put humanity first and give everyone his due, you’re a huge liability to mankind and your education is a waste, because it hasn’t made any difference.

Sports in Africa are marked with corruptions, the set up in other continents are very attracting for exciting young people to shine easily. To get to global stage from sports, is like unending journey you have to pass through different procedures to reach your peak, even when you’re good at it, the system is designed to soak poor masses into abject poverty.

Africa is being used as a reference to all kinds of atrocities, yet leaders are comfortable with it. This is the time to listen to clamouring of the homeless, a little balance from the government and they will reach the highest level, they aren’t asking for money, change the system so that poor man can have something from his little earnings. If you continue to develop other people’s place, your own place will still look like deserted island, fix the problems and get the system working again, the whole truths behind all these, is that you will gain more by changing the system for good than savaging it.

Anthony Emmanuel Network

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