It is very pathetic to think that Black Lives Matter Movement, is politically motivated. The rejuvenate Movement came into alive, after the death of George Floyd, who was murdered by Minneapolis officer, Derek Chauvin. United States witnessed widespread of protests, as protesters took it to the streets to expressed their grievance against policy which seem like a modern-day lynch and targeted agenda against black people in America.

Unity in diversity

The message was so deep as it spreads around the world, in a bid to give effect to Black Lives Matter and understand the rationale behind the movement. Everybody from all walks of lives participated, in the Movement to make sure the voice is heard. It is a Movement that needs urgent attention and save lives. It becomes tradition into sports as they continue to take knee to show support.Black lives matter

A certain group of people began to give meaning to something that doesn’t exist. It is a dangerous idea to think that Black Lives Matter is politically motivated, this is about people’s lives. All lives matter, but you need to understand that certain group of people are targeted and their lives are in danger. This is not comparison or competition, it is about equality, having the same opportunity just like others and certain people need to be educated about this.

Fans booing players that are taking a knee to show strong support and continue to passage the message, are operating on high ignorance, they had failed to digest the whole scenario and see the bigger picture. Black Lives Matter is about humanity, and their lives are in danger. It becomes very demeaning and people feel the need to rise and speak up against this heat of injustice and oppression that black people and people of colour, are going through around the world, and things need to change.