George Floyd, the unarmed black man, who was killed by a police in US. A video which surfaced online showing how the police officer knelt on George’s neck, even when he is shouting I can’t breath.

This event have sparked what seem like unprecedented protest, different organization fighting to end racism have taken the protest to street, showing solidarity to George’s family, with aim of eradicating racism, not allowing what happened to George to repeat again to any black people.

High rate of police brutality in US is awful, parameter of justice is not the same, white and black people in US don’t share the same privilege, black people are targeted people.

Racism is the virus, the only way to cure it, is such protest which has taken place in US, UK and some other countries were racism was dominant.

George’s case exposed the danger of being black in US, you don’t get the same treatment with white people in US, it is totally a different thing, there’s a big borderline between white and black people in US, and that is racism, the world have failed to address the issue properly, now George is the victim of the all the whole issue and at the same time, a man who looks like it is going to put an end to racism.

George is probably not the first black man to be subjected with such harsh treatment from police, but when time is up a lot of things will be exposed.

Wherever George is, he is going to be a proud man, his death change the world, he inspired, his death will eventually be liberation and put and end to racial inequality.

The fight to end racism is not a new fight, it has been there for a long time, but George’s death has taken it to a new direction, people voicing out their opinion.

Is such scenario that made people like W.E. Du Bois, Marcus Garvey, Martin Luther King Jr popular believing they are going to change the world, to put an end to racism.

Many people have aired their opinions, from different point of views, still arriving at the main frame which is racism, racism is the pandemic which has struck the world, only protest and doing is going to fix everything in order.

Players especially in football, have discussed the bad side of racism, referring lack of black representative in football, it will continue to be unequal representation hence the same people still control the affairs of football.

Raheem Sterling who has been outspoken about racism, talk about lack of black managers in the game, not giving the same opportunity as white people, lack of unequal representation.

You cannot fight racism in football, while the dominant people in the system, in the FIFA are white people, as black player, if you have people you want to report to the body, how sure you’re that your request will be granted or just another mad black player.

This is the time everyone needs to speak, if you’re silence it means you say yes with awful treatment of black people.

If they start to make some changes, people will say yes, that their voices are being heard, equal representation and the same atmosphere is all we need, no discrimination. With the great turn up in George’s protest, it truly shows that Black lives matter.

It is a fight that anyone with the right tools need to fight, it is not just about now, the future generations will benefit from this racial liberation, atmosphere where you won’t be afraid of your colour, not getting job because of your colour, there will be no racial treatment from the police, it will be a world for all, that’s when our dreams will come true.

If you allow yourself to saddle with the thoughts that, these people are black and the other people are white, your education is a waste and you’re liability to mankind.

George Floyd case, will be a big lesson to all, this is to know that every lives matter, even the homeless man in the street.