The world where everyone seeks total control of everything, with the quest to dominant and have absolute rule over the people, with the intense scramble for power it is hard for one person to share this vision, many people long for the vision, that’s why there is always heated contest on who takes over or rules.

Human being is a political and social animals, wherever they are, they form government of their own, there is always modus operandi, you can’t go outside this unless you’re attracting sanction, which you will be punished accordingly.

Even down to families, men are the head of families but they seem to have intense scramble for power especially when the wife is the breadwinner, often he fights to recapture his position even when the position looks irrelevant to him, because he was unable to live up to the responsibilities, despite that he will always finds a way to enforce his rules, what is guiding his family.

You start from the scratch, if there no family, they will be nothing like societies, communities or countries. From family they learn how to manage human resources, how to be at the helm, to listen to people voice and seek for advice when it is necessary, it is a bit different from family settings, you have to deal with people from different backgrounds.

Now the world is in its most difficult time, many people are taking the chance to make promises to get back to normalcy as soon as possible, with scramble for power, who becomes in charge of the affairs and who is the competent person qualified for this position.

Election breeds scramble for power, the opposition is digging all kinds of information to paint the incumbent bad, in every lies that most be certain atom of truth in it, just to be in the office people take strict measures to anyone who will stand on their way, with politics it can be an intense fight and politicians do cross the line in fighting for power.

United States of America will be electing their president on 3 November, Donald Trump’s first tenure has been overshadowed with racial disunity and coronavirus failure, it will be an intense battle on who takes over the white house, Joe Biden and his cohorts are preparing to take over the power from Republican.

Belarus has been marked with protests and unrest in the country, with citizens devastated on how the country is being run by the president which they believe has failed in all angles and accused of rigging election, activists have rose to condemn his maladministration, although some left the country after a threat the only one who refused to leave has been seen by eye witness bundled into mini bus by masked men.

When it comes to power struggle some politicians if not all can reach to the extreme, they fight like the opposition is going to take their only source of livelihood away, that gives you the impression that these people are not fighting for interest of the people but their own coveted gains in keeping the power on their side.

The scramble for power can really take a different dimension which can be real bad for good conscience, the opposition leader of Russian has been poisoned, who has been a strong critic of president Putin, little or no investigation has not been published regarding to this incident, after he was transferred to the Germany for treatment doctor has confirmed that he is now out of danger, humans can be beasts when it comes to scramble for power.

In Africa it can be very tough, during campaign politicians say many things to appease the electorates, but when they get into power they become another individual acting under the influence of wealth, first tenure allow to see the shortcomings of every incumbent to know the perfect strategy and manifesto, it is not usually the case, he who rigs the most wins the election, the intense scramble for power in Africa is who takes over the ballot boxes.

Late Robert Mugabe ruled Zimbabwe for nearly forty years, running the country like his personal company, no progress for the country and when they feel the need to change Mugabe was asked to leave office, pressure was mounted on him to leave, still he was stiff-necked to leave his position, when it is time he left and citizens feel the relieve. Just like when former president of Gambia president Jameh refused to leave office, after he was defeated in election by Adama Barrow, they stay in office like their lives depend on it, with military intervention from ECOMOG he was ousted.

Nigeria is preparing for intense scramble for power, in 2023 on which region takes over the country, the country is divided geopolitically by North-East, North-West, North-Central, South-West, South-South and South-East. The south feel like they been denied presidency on many occasions, precisely the South-East believe that it is there turn to rule the country, if the country believe that there is truly “One Nigeria”. The same time, the region is agitating for republic of Biafra, which the agitators believe they cannot trade it for mere eight years in power, as it stands the scramble for power will be at its peak come 2023.