Part of you want to forget about these experiences, but you can’t just do it, due to the weight it carries, sometimes it overshadowed your happiness, at the point of everything you’re doing, you have flashback of it, these experiences torment your life secretly, this trauma has caused internal bleeding.

Nobody wished for hard experiences, but as long as you live, it is something you prepare yourself for, you have to get ready for that, because you can’t tell how life is going to hit you, when it gets real hard, the story changes to a terrible nightmare.

Many women have become victims of home violence, at some point they were beaten up by their husbands, it is unusual but sometimes men who have this calm nature experience similar things, it is not a stereotype but you can’t deny something like that still happen.

A wasteful father is a trauma that will hurt you where it bleeds a lot, regarding his position in the family and the huge responsibility, if these children were able to condole and live with this mischievous character of his and pretend nothing ever happened, no matter how they cover up for his late nights, early mornings at liquor store, becoming a chatterbox, going after girls at the same age with his daughters and the abusive words the family hears from him and probably beating the wife, this is the kind of image you never wished for.

You see where it all went wrong from the root, it is look over these things and rebuild, knowing that you’re still under this shackles of tormentor, the huge burden you have to carry on your back without anyone helping you.

When you’re with your peers, you try as much as possible to look like a person who has zero problems, while on the other hand the burden, the awful experiences and trauma are getting insufferable everyday, you have to hide how you feel.

No doubt it affects your mental health, when you try to be the best you can, it is hard to override your bunch of problems and focus, it becomes something you have to hide and live under shadow and fears of letting it out, which becomes the bigger problem, because you need all round help.

May be you need to tell the kids how bad they are performing, how incompetent they are and how their peers are doing better than them, environment matters, if you train kids in different environments their approach are not going to be the same, there will be a lot of distinct in their respective behaviours.

Even in the society, they are reminded how useless they are, often times they have to wave it and live as nothing is happening, it hurts when you have myriad of problems that overweight your clues, it leaves you clueless.

Everyone has their own trauma to deal with, it may be broken relationships, you think your partner used and make fun of your love when you’re most vulnerable, and you think you haven’t gotten over it, it is hard to deal with.

You think you aren’t getting enough love, your whole life has been hate, in all forms, which made it hard for to love people and open your heart for anyone due to your experiences in the past which is hunting you presently.