The Epidemic Between Adults And Parents In Africa

The relationship between parents and their adults’ children began to grow sour where there are divergent opinions on certain issues especially when they are still living together. Where constant opinions differ, it aggravates separation and adults who will be forced to leave and find another abode, such moment break any chain of togetherness. This is serious epidemic in Africa between adults and parents, it often a long dichotomy which turn into battle that often hard to quell especially when the interested parties show no sign of ending it.

Where there is nothing to show for it, when the time of fruitfulness comes and adult children cannot live up to such moments, some African parents make it totally hard to cohabitate with their grown children, there will be continuous ideology which is different as they approach issues distinguishingly. It gradually breeds into brawl until it grown into long standing rivalry. When the pressure becomes unbearable if such adult is unable to provide shelter for himself, he will get attached to other adult who share similar situation and they can easily relate, as it becomes epidemic in African community amongst adults and parents.

Happiness comes from within

This is purely epidemic in average African community, where most adults see their parents as old-fashioned people, expressed the desire of them not living in the present time and moment. They become rebellious, which lead them astray and often time where they are mix together with other people who live on that, they totally changed from the person they used to be and fast integrated into the demands of their peers. When the situation becomes, hostile parents are forced to erase everything that comes with such child. This is always the case for male adult in Africa, but quite different from female adults who have different fortune in African community.

Female adults may not be compared side by side with male adults, when they are ripe; when they are ready for marriage, they began to entertain suitors who show desire of living with them. But the situation becomes so different when they refused suitors and chose not to settle in for reasons that have to do with their independent opinion. They are often misunderstood and coerced to make choice haphazardly, when they refused to do so, that is when the issue of severing accord arises. In African community women are largely viewed to get married at a particular time, when they chose otherwise their opinion no matter how authentic it is, it will not be accepted.     

Anthony Emmanuel Network

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