The conceived notion is that one who is talented does not necessarily need to work hard. This is wrongly conceived narrative, it goes beyond that because, dreams without daily plans and goals to get to that point, is fatal. Just like talent without hard work is futile, for someone who wants to be overwhelmingly incredible in his craft, the combination of talent and hard work create that atmosphere and hunger to be obsessive with your profession. It is about what you can sacrifice on the road to success, a lot come with disposition and, position place on a certain level where you keep going at the pace you have set for yourself, with that you can create your own world, and make history.

There is no proper success story without combination of talent and grind; they are inseparable, everyone comes from a place, you can hear from famous people through their craft, there is always first, the rainy days, then, comes the sunshine, it is exactly like that, the struggle you have to go through in your life, at some point in a defining moment of your career to pull through and stay relevant towards your aspiration in life, it is a barrier breaking moment in your life, which talent alone cannot withstand the storm but, combination of talent and hard work spice up the dream.

They complement each other, talent can be suppressed if it is not given enough time to shine, over the time it will wither away, and that goes to nothing. Blood, sweat and tears down the line, is going to be the pivotal moment of your life, in trying to be something and stand for something. The sacrifices along the way are ancillary to talent and hard work, they are incorporated into the pair, you have to discomfort yourself now, just to comfort yourself in the future; that’s the brainchild of sacrifice and what it is all about. The grit and grind all day are essential to get you to the next level, and you have to imbibe towards that.

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Talent is never enough to get you through the rain, it is about perspective and the way you conceive it to be, you have to be self-aware, and self-assessing yourself to arrive at that results you had always longed for. Opinions differ, what might be important to one, might not be important to the other, that’s why it is about perspective, taking nothing and turning it into something. You have to be willing to do more beyond talent, if you are not going to settle for a mediocre, it is a long road to write your name in the history book, people who have done that never relied only on talent, they understood that to get to that point where you feel that nothing is left to be done, grit is inevitable.

Nothing is given, you have to earn and work for it, your belief and working ethics to find balance in between your talent to advance yourself. Born for greatness narrative may be denying people who bank on this, the vision to see how far they can go in life, if they go at full throttle without feeling that, since it is given they are next in line. This can put an end to generational wealth and long efforts taken to achieve that height. It is like that, an owner of an empire, which takes years of grit to establish, if the person who is next in line, only sees the material things, without seeing the hard work, and the process taken to get to that level, it will be the end of the empire.

Mindset is a key point in going forward, you have to guide your mindset jealously. It is resistance that will keep you in the track. Don’t totally lean on your conceived way of doing things, you have to evolve and that means growth, be open to learn along the way, when you have growth mindset and keenness to provide solution that’s a whole positive growth for your craft. It is going to be hard fight, but that fighter’s mentality will form backbone and resolute you need to wither away the storm and triumph in your pursuit in life.

Life is a big field of play, when it rolls to your position you have to show what you can use it to do. Some people who feel relegated and they don’t have talent to develop, now face the challenge of getting ahead of everybody else, when there is no talent you get good at something along the way, the desire to outwork everyone and the hunger to be something will overcloud your mind, and that is when they say that hard work outshines talent, you keep going at that pace, and you never get satisfied and the only thing needed to be done is to make history.

Good is never good enough, it is every day challenge to be better than you were with your craft. Combination of talent and hard work will you get to that level where you feel belonged. Relying on one alone, will prove very difficult to get you to high level, with the pair, it is about developing and shaping your ideas, moulding and going through the extreme pressure to define your life. Be able and willing take every available tools and information to at your disposal to advance your life, there is always a cross path between talent and hard work, you are caught in between to advance your life. You have to take the necessary tool along the way, everything learned has it row to play, it may not come too soon, but definitely, it is going to be an asset in the nearest future, that’s one evolves in life. When you merge talent and hard work, you’re going to screw up the process and be everything you had desired, and from there you get cement your name.


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