You are still worried going after the dream again after the previous failure, it is always brave to dust yourself, it is not over when you take losses, it is over when you stop believing in the process, what gives insights after the failure is the valuable lesson you learn at the end of it. It is disastrous to despair in time of failure, but brave to look with those lenses where you can see through that, those setbacks are not meant to mar from your purpose but there to prepare you for the battle ahead of you, it is a turning point in your life that if persistent with your goals and aspirations will end in triumph.
You have to learn to handle your failure constructively, you don’t have to sleep on your failure, providing key moments in your life to help you live up the process. You have to be detail oriented if you get burnt the first time, don’t get burnt the second time, in other to not get burnt, you have to learn not to touch the stove. You are putting in enough work doesn’t mean you’re going to be succeeding at every targets, sometimes you hit the target multiple times before you breakthrough, while on a different time you can pass it, with one target. You have to be brave advancing the process, that’s how you’re going to handle triumph effect.
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Failure is inevitable part of life, it is a huge blow on your ego, but you have to be brave enough to numb it and don’t allow it to get to your ego. It provides you with insights and perspective confronting disappointment, it is always the valuable lesson you can learn at the end of it, will change the whole process, it will make the road less hard for you to navigate through. You have to carry on with this technical part of life, often times the result is not coming quick but will definitely show up in the nearest future to embrace the process and give your life meaning.
It is what you make of those setbacks that change the whole process, it is a world where you have to create your own story and you have to be a good author to write it very well, demanding more from yourself can help you heal fast from failures and look forward to the future to continue advancing the process. Be brave going into the battle, it is difficult to pick yourself up after you feel like you have been defeated, but you have to keep going forward a comeback could be crucial moment and turning it into triumph.