You have to be ready to take your chances, preparing for the chance so that when it comes you are not going to be caught unawares. Life is phase, you need to embrace every level you’re in for you to be able to get to that certain position when you feel you have arrived. It is going to be down to how you train your mind every single day, the attitude and character, coupled with your principle which will be going to be your guide that will get you further to your dreams, you have to stay ready and live up those moments when your chances come, it is in such moment that defines the existentiality of your being.
Stay ready all the time, there is no room for being unprepared, you have to continue to train yourself till your moment comes, it doesn’t come so easy, you have to work for it and grind for it, it is the consistency in the struggle that will guarantee your space, and then you will properly book your space to the kind of life you desired to live and use that platform to inspire in the lives of others, through stories people share the struggle and one can be able relate and provide the necessary tools to keep going forward and continue to work hard despite the uncertainties.
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You have to stay ready, it is a wave, when you stay ready you get to catch the wave, you have to train your mind for such moments, you have to live for such moments so that you don’t get to miss the wave. You owe yourself the duty and obligation to make it come true, it is what you have been training your mind for, this is where you base your work throughout your life, for you to shine and be able to impose yourself and cause the world to stand for you, it gives the sense of satisfaction that you have live up to the true meaning of your existence.
Stay ready, so that when you’re called upon you will deliver and create your own world through that, it is what you do with, what you have is what truly matters, you have to create light to shine on the lives of others with what you have. You have to continue fighting for your place on this earth, until you have your ground and live your life out through that, if you keep your mind ready and trained yourself mentally to be indestructible, your chances will come knocking if you stay ready you’re going to fly with it.