The increase, in the way young people make use of social media is alarming, they can literally spend more time on social media more than any other things during the day, not minding the outcome and effect it has on them, when you’re totally addicted to social media, you can hardly break the circle, because it has gotten over you, the way you think and your mental health.

The age of consent is really important nowadays, the rate young people, who are very vulnerable and lack the modus operandi which guide being online, fall victims of adults contents and something similar which can be harmful to them.

They operate phones the way they like, and openly talk about things they saw on social media, it will keep driving them to revisit again and have the better knowledge of that, such contents have changed them, totally taking control the way they act.

Social media was supposed to be another step taken by tech world to aid the faster means of communication and getting in touch with people who far away, some rules supposed to be in place to avoid harmful contents and the age limit, all you here them say is ‘ this is what I saw on social media’ no longer in books, materials or library.

Even on adults, media is building a long term concept where every single thing revolves around social media, it is not bad to satisfy the urgent need for modernization, when something like this happens, the masses must be self aware, regarding to the impacts excessive chats and social media is having in their lives.

You can spend all the midnight chatting with your phone, you could hardly have enough sleep, which affects your physical and mental health, when you’re few minutes aware offline, you feel like you have gone for ages or may be there is something going on now online you’re probably missing, you hardly had time for yourself.

Nothing is hundred percent perfect in this world, but whatever you do, try and be at the advantageous side of it, read meaning and use it to excel when other people are wasting their time and resources, build something around, and continue to push harder.

Social media is your reference material, you could barely say something without making an emphasis from online, or finding your ground from what netizens post online, which makes you vulnerable and often fall for the victim of fake news and other irrelevant information which might be posted there, which keeps directing your thoughts and dominant participation to the way you think.

What you say is very important, what you conceive and your thoughts count, this is what press your buttons and give you energy to continue powering yourself, if you think negative, you will end up acting negative, but if you think positive, you will be surrounded with positivity, be responsible for what you do, other ain’t going to be responsible for your actions.

If it has become an addiction fight to win and get over it, fight to conquer and build established your life, to direct your paths, if you allow it to make decisions for you and control whatever you do, you might find it difficult to live outside this circle, because whatever you do revolves around it.