There is nothing like ‘my limits’ you tell yourself that, life is a journey, you choose to stop where you desired, some stop along the road, while some endure throughout the journey to make it a successful one, set your targets, and work to beat your targets, it is like beating your records and setting new one, that’s why you have to shoot for the stars, aim for the moon.

Life will never turn good because of you, it will be the way it is, or moreover keep getting harder, have daily goals, weekly goals, monthly goals, yearly goals and permanent goals, that’s what will keep uplifting you and steamroll your fear and lead you to greatness, if your dreams don’t scare you, you have to give it a second thought, it is high time you gave everything for success.

Remember that dreams without goals are just dreams, you can’t sit alone, talking about your gigantic dreams, without making any approach to it, if you want your dreams to become realistic, apply consistency and discipline, there is no limit on what you can achieve, but you told yourself, you have limit, break the circle.

You want to command respect, power and money, those things are your limit, at least that’s what you battle everyday with, you want to live in a big house, living like a king, living lavish, remember when you get to this point, it becomes more tougher than you imagined, life doesn’t treat you like a queen or a king, it chooses the best it pleases, limits don’t exist work on your mentality.

Where you set your targets matter, what ever dream you have conceited, you need to keep it alive, you can’t join other people in belittling your potentials, in your mind you have what it takes to reach there, but you pay too much attention on what people are saying about you, learn from what happened to other people, don’t become a victim before you learn.

There is nothing wrong in having high hopes for yourself, don’t listen to people who are telling you that your dreams are too big, don’t let anyone control what you do, like the way you think or what you should do, those people what they think don’t matter, what you think about yourself is what matters, that’s why you need all round improvement, so you can be able to overpower the standard you have set for yourself.

Approach your problems the way it is don’t look soft, it is normal everyone got problem to deal with, your own is not different, people have been dealing with different kinds of pain, there is nothing you have been through in life, others haven’t, life don’t have any special treatment for anybody, what creates the difference is how prepared you are.

Hope is what keeps you alive, you believe that one day you can beat your chest and said, I have arrived, but what happens next, that is where bunch of problems you must solve reside, how prepared you are, put you ahead of others, it is easier to get to the top than to stay at the top.

What you do with your life, your time management and your readiness count, some people wait to have everything at their comfort zone, to be able to reach your targets, you need an escape, escape from your comfort zone if you’re ready to face your problems, comfort zone is deceitful, it will make you think, that is where life ends, but know that it is far from beginning.

Have a deep thought about your life, the way you want to live, your big dreams, if it worth fighting for, it is not something you will do with unenthusiastic approach, you have to give it all of us, set that big targets and work hard to beat that targets, because there is no limit to your capacity, unless you choose your limits.