It is better understood, that to be a successful leader, which ever way you find yourself, humility is the key factor to unlock your leadership potentials.

The first small group of persons, we encounter in our life is family, parents and children, where chores are shared among children by parents to make sure, they have good running of the family.

Sometimes, this leadership role seem to be a big tasks, children neglect their role to do what they wish to do or may be spend enough time playing. Such attitude resort to punishment, the gradual management of the family, this is the way to tell that what they did was wrong.

Not all the time punishment is indispensable, a good conversation sometimes solve the majority of the problem, the right conversation which will inculcate good values in them.

The way you handle your family, will greatly influence your leadership role outside your home, any place you find yourself.

To be able to rule very well, you need to adopt sheeplike attitude, and bring yourself down, a good leader first seeks the interest of his subject, their well being is his priority.

A good leader is the one who, accept that he knows nothing and willing to learn everything and open to new adventure.

Learn not to compromise, be frank and straightforward person, it is generally said that man’s character is measured by power and wealth. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Be humble, good home and humility play major role in unlocking secrets to smart leadership.

A good leader listens to the voice of his people, not the one that turn a deaf ears against the clamour of their people, you have to make heed to their supplication.

There is no easy to the top, it is a gradual step and advancement, then you will get their, the roads to smart leadership requires a lot, the ability to take up a challenge, and step up your goals.

Smart leadership is very demanding, you have to think very well, have a group of good counsel every decision you take, will influence the future decision, so be meticulous in handling the affairs of people.

There is always rough and tough times, it also defines the crucial moment, the time when you act like a servant not the head, the time you have to put the efforts to carry everyone along.

When you’re doing this, it is a benefit to smart leadership, the benefits you get from ruling well, but if you indulge in mischievous ways to rule, you never get better, whichever thing you want to do in life, your mischievous attitude will overrides it.

Don’t indulge in something that will endanger the lives of your subject, always think twice when you’re embarking on any decision changing moments.

Some people see the role of leadership, as an opportunity for them to embezzle and be part of fraudulent activities, for the purpose of making lots of money while he is still in the position, in as much as it is ignoble distance yourself from such activities.

Legacy is very important, what type of legacy you would love to leave behind, that’s one thing that should come into your mind, if you’re willing and able to sacrifice for smart and good leadership, if you did well your footprints will an inspiration to generation to come.