Our dream, our hope. Nothing in this world keeps one alive, when he remembers the cause which he ought to strive on and live up to his capacity. To reach the dream you have to pay endless sacrifice, the mountain which you have to climb to see where you have prepared yourself for, will appear scary with cruelty to strike and proclaim you powerless, you have to step up, like a fighter that have been prepared for a war for thousand years, with all it takes to defeat monstrous obstacle.
Nothing comes so easy, nowadays people lack patient, the urge and obsession to make quick money have ruined the environment, money is in everyone’s lips, nobody seems to live with their dreams, as it crumble on journey for quest to have sumptuous wealth. Patient is a virtue, our dream can delay for years but, when it comes into fulfillment, it is usually in a grand style.
The hope we have set on, in the surface of earth is our dreams, which keep driving us to our limits. It is where we set our target in life and work to get it, it is not always easy but the determination of where we are going keep us on the track and ensure we never derail from it. We grow and learn everyday, putting our very best to come out good.
Hope is what keeps us alive, despite the harsh reprisals from the cruel society, the best positive response you can give is, keep trying you stopped immediately you quit trying. Create conducive atmosphere for your dream, live it every single day and keep working hard. Some persons have derailed in life, due to unable to discover themselves and find purposes behind his presence on earth. Those who keep this achievement lts are rolling
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