It is sad see that Nigeria has failed to reason beyond mere ethnic sentiments which is ravaging the country and threatening its national unity. The diversity of the country is very observed but that does not give a room to nurture rivalry, malice and grudge against one another, first, you need to understand that you are a human before anything else.
Nigeria has gone through a lot just like other novelty countries that are struggling to find their stronghold but faltered on many trials. They are victims of corruption, bad government, highly corrupt leaders and self-inflicted pain. Unless there are drastic change in all areas nothing else is going to work.
Politicians are the key factor to Nigeria’s problems
As a leader you are a problem solver, when a leader is the problem anything else is bound to fail starkly, you can’t get the system working again due to your inefficiency to make any difference in the society, that is where everything is centered on, when you lack the infinitesimal basics of what leadership is all about, then no foundation is laid.
You lead by example, your life is placed on check because your subjects see you as close to perfection, but Nigeria politicians have failed to take it into cognizance, rather their motives are to detriment of poor citizens, siphoning money meant for public projects, awarding ghost projects and making the country a living hell for the populace.
It is unbecoming to see how everything is politized in Nigeria, even human lives, that’s why Nigeria politicians have failed at the little basics of leadership to protect lives and property, a country that made politics a lucrative business, the rich are getting richer, while the poor are getting poorer. Politics in Nigeria is a tussle, an auction up for highest bidder to take home.
Leah Sharibu ordeal and inhumanity in Northern Nigeria
Politicians only get in touch with the citizenry during electioneering campaign where they make countless of big promises but failed to actualize one, they are aware how ignorant people are, hunger is used as a strategical way to keep the people into their shells. Sharing the lowest percentage of food stuff and often an expired goods, that’s how ruthless the system is.
Nigeria is facing challenges of banditry, terrorism and the herdsmen, which is already a bigger problem without irrelevancy adding to it. At this point the country need to find solution to the problems, some people are saturated with ethnic sentiments, trying to find a ground to distract important topic by nurturing their selfish political ambition, which is of no interest to an average citizen to talk more of the downtrodden.
Why Nigerians need to change their mindset
To move the country forward need a collective effort to drive that development, and citizenry are hugely inclusive by actively advocating for what is right. In a country filled with negative energy, change of mindset will play a big role in rehabilitation and reconstruction, which the country is craving for.
No one wishes for evil and atrocities to befall on them as a country, but when these things happen you question the standard the country has set for their younger generation, and absence of this, they become the monsters you made. It is never late to start over again and live beyond mere ethnic sentiments, if you are a true patriotic you will know that, some of these do not count.
Finding solution
To get the system working it will be a big of part of the process to boycott any ethnic sentiments or any conspiracy theory targeted to salvage the solution, there should be unity in diversity, that cannot be overemphasized. Fighting terrorism, banditry with arm forces or any security or economic challenges, may be far from helping to solve the problem, the key factor to this, is employment and development.
You have to trust the process, the system might be in moribund, but urgent revival could give long lasting solution. The end to Nigeria’s problem is employment and development, it is sad to see the state of the health care politicians and citizens don’t get treated in the same country to talk more of the same hospital.
The future is bright if only Nigerians can live beyond ethnic sentiments and embrace what they have got as a country with diverse culture, and often time tolerate one another and avoid inciting social media war of any sort amongst the citizens, with these ethnic sentiments will be buried and the country will progress ahead.