I have given my soul, my heart and my mind.

The tenderness that clouded my senses

The blindness that took my sight…

The fondness of my soul towards love scares me now because it appears that I am losing my mind.

What of if he fails me at the end?

What if she breaks my heart at last?

These thought had creeped into my soul

And insecurity had besieged me.

What happened when that passion dissipate?

What happened if that bond loosen like a thread?

And lovers becomes stranger.  

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My heart is so tender, so delicate…

That I won’t move on if love fails.

My heart is so fragile, that I won’t put together if love breaks.

The more I keep running from love, the faster it catches up with me.

The test of passion appears strong…

The power of love cannot be understood.

But yet fear pull me along, fear of the unknown.

True love stands the test of time they said, yet my heart appears hollow.

When I show him my scar will he still stay?

If I tell her the story of the darkness that made me shine, will I still be the very one that brightens her world.

Nothing on Earth is as mysterious as love because today it is certain and tomorrow it is not.

I pray that I make the right choice to see me through the solitude of life.

I love him… he promised to stay forever. I believed.

Then I showed him the scar of my life. He stayed still.  Happiness made me drunk.

Then I showed him my wound, the greatest of all.

He heaved, he sighed, and slowly he slips away.

I wept.

I wonder if there still exist a true love to bear your pain as his, to treat your pain as hers.

I found out that I can’t move on, yet I am afraid to stand still.  Should I give love another chance?

Verily, love scares me.



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