Few days ago, you know…

I visited my best friend Erica,

In her apartment at Yale,

I saw a glittering engagement ring on her finger,

I screamed, “Girl, why did you hide your engagement from me?

Are we not best of friends?

It’s unfair girl”.

Erica was quiet but all smiles, sipping a glass of wine.

I asked further.

“Tell me more girl, Harry finally proposed?

Was it a lit or a cool something?

Speak to me girl”.

Erica quietly dropped her glass of wine on the table.

She said to me.

Related stories:

“Lily, it will interest you that no one proposes to me.

Harry is a fool, you know…

I have dated him for ten years but no marriage plans yet.

Girl, I’m tired of him already”

In shock, I queried.

“Someone else proposed to you?

Wow, Girl, you are too smart!

I love this. Tell me, who is the lucky man?

Erica laughed out loud.

“Lily girl, it will interest you that no one proposes to me, can’t you get it?

Neither Harry or any lucky man, okay?

I proposed to my self”, Lily said flaunting her ring so that I can have a clearer view.

“I don’t understand girl?

You propose to yourself, how?

I asked, bewildered.

“You know girl, they are all mad, okay?

Harry, Peter, Scott…

You know, I went to Eva’s jewelry’s boutique on a Tuesday morning and get this baby (ring) for myself. When I got home, I slip it right here on my finger and make some toast. Mind you girl, I’m walking down the aisle next week Saturday with my self”, Erica said.

“You must be going bananas girl, what is that supposed to mean?

You proposed to yourself?

How? Why? I asked surprised.

“You know girl, I won’t sit here and wait all my life for some fools to take me down the aisle.

Come on, I have waited for years but they are not willing.

I want to do this my self, girl.

You either take it or leave it, okay? Erica said.

I sat still and watch my friend sip her drink.

I know she was going crazy for sure,  until I find my self slipping a ring on my finger two years later.

A kind of weird proposal right?

Some sort of crazy things, you know…


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