There he sat, after he had entered in a caravan,
With a cape that hung down like my granny’s chandelier,
Goodness! the most handsome man I have ever behold,
I watched him talk with his friends,
Whispering at a second,
Laughing boisterously the next,
The sound of his laughter awaken in me that feeling,
I thought was numb for years,
I must make a move.
I watch him still,
Slowly eating his meals while paying attention to the men,
I love the way he chew his food,
I know Morgan chew better,
But he looks more like a rhino to me now,
After I caught him in bed with my best friend Elsie,
It’s all a memory now,
Morgan was Mr. Wrong.
Who is this dude?
That is slowly driving me nutty?
Why such dreamy eyes?
And such perfect lips?
Why smiling right there while I am drowning in love right here,
I will have to take the bull by the horn,
Pearl did it, why won’t I ?
I will have to approach him and tell him,
“You this dude, You are slowly taking me away,
To a place so far from the earth”,
But hey, let me stare a bit longer.
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I noticed the innkeeper was looking at him too,
While trying to get his attention,
A flush of jealousy rush down my spine and I sighed,
The mystery man is not mine yet,
So I won’t have to commit murder,
The plumpy innkeeper looks like a carcass to me,
So I may want to pull a trigger right in her brain,
But those crazy cops will come after me like bees after a honeycomb,
I don’t want to be put behind bars.
I’m too hot for that, girl!
When he turned to my direction, my heart somersaulted,
I don’t know if he was looking at me or the clown making a fuss beside me,
I captured the contours of his face,
I love what I saw.
I will make the approach,
Just like a flash, I stood up.
Yes, I started moving towards his seat to let him know how I feel,
But I stopped midway,
He was gulping down a glass of wine and I sighted the glittering diamond on his finger,
“A wedding ring”.
It was abrupt. I quickly turned back,
It was late because he already knew I was coming to him and he called after me,
“Miss! Miss!!
All eyes were on me as I took my purse and scurried out of the inn,
I had created a scene,
because my mystery man is Mr. Wrong.