Life is so precious and beautiful, to spend in loveless relationships and marriages.

Yes, love is not enough. But, I think it should be the bedrock. Selfless love, peaceful love, love that understands, cares, forgives and appreciates.

Where this kind of love is not far-fetched,  it creates room for other special qualities to be admitted.

First, a man meet a woman and they are in love, but along the line they need more than that to grow, they need qualities like understanding, trust  tolerance and sacrifice from both side to thrive.

It is disheartening to know that some people languish in abusive relationships and marriages, for absurd reasons.

Some women will prefer to stay in abusive marriages amidst the risks involved than having a broken home and in some relationships, the parties are scared of suffering from heartbreak  and they prefer to remain in such unhealthy relationship.

The case of Erica who thought she will not find love again refused to break up with Harry, her long time boyfriend even though he abuses her on daily basis, had her self to blame when he finally pushed her down the stairs.

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It cannot be overemphasized that our choices matter. In our choice of marriage partner, we should not allow physical looks or affluence blur our senses. Most importantly, the society should not be the reason for any hasty decisions or drastic actions.

       Never anyone to dictate your choice because the choices we make today may make or mar us tomorrow. Honestly, physical looks are important because it boosts confidence, affluence is indispensable, but they should not be our top priorities when making a choice of life partner. The list is endless.

There is that woman who understands and cares for you, there is that man who supports and loves you for who are. There is that person who gives you peace and inexplicable joy. These qualities are rare and should not be taken for granted.

Who is that person you can comfortably wake up to every morning? Who is that woman you can comfortably cry on her shoulder without feeling less of yourself, and who is that first person you want to share that good news with?

Listen, the above and so many others should be considered before making our choices. Good souls are all over the universe waiting for beautiful souls to take them through the journey of life. Most times, it is not about being lucky, but our decisions matters a lot.

Remember to pray always, because the creator loves you and want the best for you. Tell him what you want in prayer, and he will give you what you need.

Dear one, you deserve the best, don’t settle for less.



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