Black is creamy,

It’s fierce,

It’s bold,

It’s natural,

It’s brave,

With a touch of pride, you know…

Don’t ask me why,

Because, It is what It is.

Look, we are beautiful,

We are sexy,

Standard and classy,

And original,

Now tell me Queensly, why you went to a dermatologist?

Black is priceless, so you know…

You can’t afford it even if you consult Dr. Blacks,

Don’t give me that look girl,

It is what It is.

Related stories:

Black is brainy,

Did you hear?

On the runway, Annabelle won the show,

With her Silky, black, creamy skin,

Accentuated with her flawless intonation too,

Causing Dr. Franklin to mistake my Mercedes for his,

I may just want to poke his nose.

Hey, can you see my Lady Anna?

She is as beautiful as ever,

She won his heart countless times,

Oh, poor helpless Harry,

In love with my lady’s skin tone,

Don’t look at me that way Emily,

It is what it is.

Black is blazing,

As fierce as ever,

It need no makeover,

Come over here, Tony,

And take a look at My lady,

Her charming eyes,

Her alluring smile,

Her captivating beauty,

Will surely leave you speechless,

But I understand if it does,

It is what It is.

Black is golden, can’t you see it?

It’s flawless, can’t you feel it?

It’s priceless, can you buy it?

And mind you, It cannot be bleached.

It is what it is.

Remember, dear one,

Whether black or white,

You’re beautiful and precious,

Just like the rose flower.

You too shall never fade,

Like the evergreen vegetation,

You know why?




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