“This village is undeveloped. It can best be described as a hamlet. No electricity, no motorable road,  I wonder how on earth you find this place”, Kelvin said as the two friend drive their way carefully out of the village. Collins was carrying him in his car, It was obvious from his expression that their search was futile.

“Ma Gladys is from here, you’ve forgotten? Collins asked.

“Yes, It’s true. Your Nanny from the first day. Your second mother “, Kelvin teased but Collins was not smiling.

“Man come on, don’t tell me you’re feeling sad. We’ve been driving around this village for hours now, looking for a girl you barely know. This is harder than geography “, Kelvin said adjusting his seatbelt.

“I need to see her, I can’t just explain what is happening to me. I can’t sleep at night “, Collins said.

“Calm down Man, are you sure she is not a mermaid, you barely worry about women except your family members, why is this particular girl driving you crazy”.

“I don’t know, Kelvin. The only thing I know is that I will find her and make her mine”, Collins said while hitting the steering.

“This is really serious, I mean, more serious than I thought. Man, I need to drive that car myself before you throw us into the bush”, Kelvin said.

“I’m good, Man. I will be stopping over at my mother’s to get a file. I will be working on it tonight, Collins said changing the topic. Though Kelvin was his close friend, he felt he had said more than enough.

“I will stop at the next junction after Judi Petrol station, I will be meeting my wife at the next supermarket “, Kelvin said.

“Alright man, thanks for always coming through for me”, Collins said as he drove through the rough terrain.

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Princess was in the parlour watching television when Collins entered. She hugged him.

“Bro Collins, you came unannounced. Mother left for the salon few minutes ago.”

“Yes I know, l will be coming to spend the weekend, Sis. Hope you’re enjoying your stay here?

“Yes, brother. I’m just bored at times. I will be traveling back in few weeks time”.

“Not so soon Sis, I will make it up to you. I have been busy for some time now, I want to conclude the Diamond gate project before the year runs out”

“I understand brother Collins”, Princess said making a face.

“I will send you some money now, go out with your friends and enjoy yourself “.

“Thank you bro Collins, you’re the best in the whole world “. The two burst into laughter.

“Mother dropped any file for me? Collins asked.

“Yes, she dropped it on the sofa before leaving but the cleaner just cleaned here. I don’t know where she dropped it”, Princess said.

“Where is she”, Collins asked climbing the stairs.

” I think the lounge or kitchen”, Princess said while sitting down to continue watching her favourite show.

Collins walked into the kitchen when he heard  the clattering of dishes.

The cleaner was busy washing and didn’t noticed when he entered.

He cleared his throat.

“Good day, please, where did you drop the file?

He paused when the cleaner turned to look at him. He took some few steps back. The cleaner in turn, looked away.

Her heart did some palpitations as the incident of months ago flashed before her own eyes.

She wonder if he is the much talked son of her employee. An amazon whom she secretly admire but afraid of.

“You? Collins asked in disbelief.

“Good evening “, She blurted.

Collins smiled and drew nearer.

“Will you tell me your name now? he asked properly scrutinizing her.





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