You have to be at your grind every single day to keep giving life to what you’re doing career wise to make a difference, don’t run out of steam, it is going to be a long battle but those who hold their breathe and continue to numb the pain, come out refined and have the world of their own. You have to pay attention to the rhythm of your grind, don’t get slip away from the main fight and only chase shadows, go for the targets, have your mind fixed at your goals and work hard to get it, you’re in for a serious battle to liberate yourself, and live on the sweat of your hard work.
Grind your way to the top, you have to take in that hustler’s mentality to navigate your way through, there is no rest until it is done, you don’t rest when what you’re chasing are still not yet within your reach, you rest in the end not in the middle. You’re in for a big one, you have to make every bit of it count, don’t despair because those obstacles on the way are only meant to shape you for your purpose, you have the ability to inspire the whole process, if you show resilient enough to take your grind at a totally different level with hard work and consistency.
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You can only earn it, you don’t command it. You have to stay focused and wave off those noise around you, don’t allow praises and unwanted ego to mar you from reaching where you supposed to be in life. Be humble and stay hungry, the world is of being a service to others, it is based on service through which you earn your right in the history. For you to use your talents to render services to others, and put smiles on their faces, that’s how you conquer the world, and let your light shine always, keep it alight.
On the road to dreamland many lose focus and fall off, but those who stayed true to the grind and hold their breathe till the end, are the real change makers, it costs a lot to be among that category, it is down to mentality to build that invincibility around you and believe you can go through anything and inspire the whole process. The light is in your hands don’t allow it to go off, don’t run out of steam keep it burning until you’re charged to get everything you have ever wanted in life, that’s when you create a life worth living and it up.