At the end of any service rendered the extra way to show that you enjoyed the service is to tip the service providers, for many this is the normal way of showing gratitude. The narrative has taken a different shapes, at the end of delicious meal in luxurious restaurants, the workers already anticipating tips for service which is outside of their salaries. Customers react differently, some might see it, as they want economic favour, while some may see it, as a tip for a job, well done especially when you have been in a restaurant which their services fall below the expectations. Tip has become a topic at crossroads between economic favour and appreciation for job well done.

This social topical issue can create divergent opinions. It is different where a worker anticipate through body language, or through his acts or omissions expect a tip. Also, different when a customer on its own magnanimity tip workers, without them showing any kind of interest in such act. This social topical issue emanate from customers’ reviews. Places like restaurants, hotels and shopping malls experience such scenes as workers in some cases persuade customers to tip them, to the extent that such customers consider it a nuisance, which is outside work ethics expected, often lead to escalation between the customer and a worker, which is bad for goodwill of the business.

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In modern society dominated by social class, workers are vigilant to see who comes with latest phones, flashy cars and expensive clothes and all whatnot, so it will help to know the appropriate person to beg for financial favour. This also occurs in banks, as cashiers treat customers differently with reference to amount that comes in and goes out of their bank accounts. This financial discrimination breeds disparity, especially in banking halls with crowded customers waiting for hours, immediately one ‘big customer’ comes he will be led inside and attended to, for some customers who can’t hold back their frustration will let it out at the bankers for their discriminatory treatments.

Restaurants, hotels and shopping malls where its workers are known for begging for tips will create bad business image for the owners, which is not good for business as prospective customers will look at it, as poor conduct of workers. These have cut across different sectors of employment, both in private and public establishments. Employers are taking steps to prohibit workers from accepting tips and maintain professional relationship with customers only. While employers cannot control this all the time, employee who indulges in such risk losing its employment.


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