At the beginning, it is all lovey-dovey full of fun and sweet moments, you can argue this is not what love is all about, even the hardest heart fall in love at the touch of love, this is something more than physical, the attraction is deep, sometimes you question your actions, they say when you’re in love you can do a lot of crazy things. Do you regret it when you’re sober? And when can you say you’re sober?

Falling in love, need total consent and to be at the best state of your mind, because the worst time to fall in love is when you’re alone and you think you need intimate affection with the opposite sex, at that time a lot of things run through your mind, you aren’t sure of yourself. You become vulnerable when you suffer series of failed relationships, you are unsure what you want you want in a relationship.

Relationship is very delicate, it takes two to tangle, to reach the climax of your relationship you have to pass stages which can guarantee your spot in your relationship, it has to be a person you have so many things in common, a better understanding of life.

Relationships have been in the news for so many reasons, sometimes you wonder if love worth fighting for, when situations get out of hand, that’s the difficult part of it, the time to fix problems, then true love play important role in mending rough paths.

Everyone has different experience and lessons life have taught them, whatever they do in life will be affected by that, and going into relationship some people feel like that is nothing left for them to love.

Going into relationship you have your expectations, the way you want things to work out for you, and you think about the right person, who will understand and share similar ideas with you, sometimes you can’t find the qualities you want, out of pressure you mount on yourself, you fall in love with anyone, when situation becomes toxic that’s when you question yourself, whether you still feel the same way.

It feels like people who go into marriage lack clues on what it is about, sometimes you wonder if they know what they want, quick to run to social media and exposed their failed marriage, and you think is it what love is all about, enjoying when there is harmony, and leave when conflicts arise.

In many marriages couples decide to stay when they don’t even love their partners but for the sake of the children, if this is the case what inspired the marriage at the beginning, was it built on mere saying, sometimes your heart can be delusional just because you’re vulnerable.

Know what you want, be sure the paths you’re heading to, if allow the problems and the pressure of the world to sway you, leading to make decisions that will hurt you in the future, if find someone who loves and respect you, then love worth fighting for, because you’re ready to go extra miles to live those dreams together.

They say hard times don’t last but tough people do, if you’re going into relationship be sober as judge, know what you want for yourself, if you are sure of want you want, nothing can stop you for fighting for this course you believed to be just.