Mental health is delicate aspect of one’s well being, we need to contribute to our societal well being, to help to inspire mental health


It is really good to educate people who suffer from this, not everyone who talks has complete state of health, some are affected by their experience in life which has not left them, because of this they are traumatized, and act in accordance with their experience.

Eating good food and taking rest at the appropriate time will aid the development of mental health, attending health seminar which educate and talk exclusive about health.

We should not deter ourselves from psychiatric patients, this could be worst way to handle them. Constant talking positively to them will increase their state of health .

It is necessary for us to have good conduct in life, the way you talk to people influence who they are, as we have different approach to life and different norms which govern our personality, we should learn to inspire people positively, ill saying towards one will always hinders one behaviour to life, sometimes people suffer from depression due to what they heard about themselves, which can be horrendous may be what happened in the past, such stories can leave one in eternal trauma which is really harmful to mental health.

We should learn to adopt good manners in talking to people, it will make them feel good again, and move out towards their past. With this we can keep healthy society and encourage people especially the psychiatric patients, it will surely be a stepping stone for them.

You need a complete state of mind to be at your highest level. Grow your mental health, it can be eating a healthy food, going to gym and try to get over with some burdens which may result to deep thinking which you may to hurt yourself.