Parental love creates an atmosphere for children to navigate through, it is the lenses through which they see every other things in life, it is a social engineer for progressive development in a child’s life. This is what determine the lifeline of their interactions with other people, it is what they are given at home, that which they will be given out to wider society, it is measured in that pedigree. Children raised in stable homes are likely to have proper social engagements with other people- showing empathy and compassion, and less likely to turn violence or become bullies. Parental love is the shield that guides them and protects them from social vices.
It is about interpretation of love and how the recipients conceived it to be. Finding the right language can broker proper interpretation of love. Sometimes parents mean so well for their children, but can’t find the right words to correct them, and in that children are not experience enough to process those words, they will conceive it to be harsh and mean, and it becomes a threat to their progressive development. It can start by showing compassion and empathy, knowing the reason why they failed their class work, a little show of love can spark moment of clarity and give the child proper direction of where he is heading to and it will become a landmark development.
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To have parents checking up on their kids, dropping them off to school and picking them up from school when the school bell rings, seems like a parental duty, but it is one of the softest forms of parental love, because they could have easily assigned nanny to do that, while they keep up with their busy work schedule, to have parents and children moment while taking them home from school and listening to every thing they have to say that happened in the school creates a strong bond, the interaction is different from a kid whose parents pick up from school, only to keep quiet throughout the drive, not only that they are not allowed to talk, it is clear absence of parental love.
Parental love is social engineer for progressive development in children’s upbringing, it breeds self-esteem and self confidence, you can only give what you have to others, if you don’t recognise these qualities in you, you can’t transmit it or see it in other people. Parental love instills words of affirmation, when the atmosphere is established and embedded in children’s lives they strive to be the best they can be, because they have the full support behind them. Children raised in chaotic environment don’t see the need to be the best, they are settled with mediocre and psychological they have already accepted defeat.