How Gen Z Reinvent The Modern Notion Of Valentine’s Day

Widely celebrated on February 14, Valentine’s Day has created with Gen Z a notion of extraordinary romance celebrated within the circle, the modern conception of Valentine’s Day that comes with exchanging gifts and inciting couples’ feelings. Traditionally, this romantic day has linked with Christians’ feast of Saint Valentine, who was considered as a martyr. The story of romance and love, which is taking a new different level of expounding the scope of its meaning, lovers have capitalized on the sacrosanctity of the day, as it strictly has a great influence on love, it is the light Gen Z and some older adults, to see on this special day to ignite their love life and make the most of the moment.

It is soul to soul feelings, the first link of Valentine’s Day with romantic love is believed to be in the “Parliament of Fowls” [1382] by Geoffrey Chaucer, using birds to portray the significance of love, honouring the first anniversary of the engagement of fifteen-year-old King Richard II of England to fifteen-year-old Anne of Bohemia. Elucidates in this manner :

“For this was on Saint Valentine’s Day

When every bird comes there to choose his match

Of every kind that men may think of

And that so huge a noise they began to make

That earth and air and tree and every lake

Was so full, that not easily was there space

For me to stand- so full was all the place”

Saint Valentine, religiously, has been described a Christian who was persecuted and pronounced to be executed, before his execution, he was reported to have performed a miracle by healing Julia, the blind daughter of his jailer Asterius. On the evening before his execution, he is supposed to have written to first “valentine” card himself, addressed to the daughter of his jailer Asterius, who was no longer blind, singing as “Your Valentine”. The expression “Your Valentine” became a popular epilogue to every valentine’s card, drawing a deep sense of affection.

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Gen Z are taking the romance seriously, the specific time of the year where love is placed on great importance, discussing how someone can truly feel what love is all about. The colour significance of Valentine’s Day; red rose and white is intimating to lite up the atmosphere. An excerpt from William Shakespeare’s Hamlet [1600-1601]:

“To-morrow is Saint Valentine’ day,

All in the morning betime,

And I a maid at your window,

To be your Valentine.

Then up he rose, and donn’d his clothes,

And dupp’d the chamber-door;

Let in the maid, that out a maid

Never departed more.”

  • William Shakespeare,

Hamlet, Act IV, Scene 5

To live in the moment, the future and the fantasy of your mind, means love is sine qua non, it is every day affair, and it brings hope and reinvent a dead soul, and soften a hard heart. Younger generation, with the notion of the new conception of Valentine’s Day want to talk about love, and how a great impact it can have in lives of other people when experienced, with lots of cards, flowers and gifts coupled with traditional colour of red rose and white, to reference on the significance of the moment, which if spent properly metamorphose into consistent routine, every day of your life can turn to “valentine’s day” living through the eyes of Valentine’s Day to give meaning to your life; your love life specifically.

Gammer Gurton’s Garland [1784], a collection of English nursery rhymes published in London by Joseph Johnson, which has become a modern cliché of Valentine’s Day:

“The rose is red, the violet’s blue,

The honey’s sweet, and so are you.

Thou art my love and I am thine;

I drew thee to my Valentine:

The lot was cast and then I drew

And Fortune said it shou’d be you.”

Just like poetic rhymes, love is inspirational and give insights towards life, as young prospects, Gen Z have a lot to learn from their environment by adopting the notion of good thoughts in their daily pursuit. They need to have patient, you cannot be everywhere at a time. Believing in yourself can unlock the different key areas of your life, it is project talk that demands self-believe, Valentine’s Day will come and go, but those beautiful memories of such important way to express love, will always spread their fluttering wings by instilling those values and confidence.

Anthony Emmanuel Network

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