Every single day comes with its own rigours and the way you approach it changes the rest of mental approach towards other life challenges. The fight goes on every single day, it is not the same hurdle you face today, that you will likely face tomorrow, that’s why flexibility in mental approach helps in adaptability, because it is not the strongest that is going to survive, but those who were able to adapt to different life situations they face, for them to be able to squeeze themselves, and make room to thrive in an unfavourable atmosphere, keeps the mental approach in good momentum to carry the rest of the burden. It is the vision of where you are headed that gives hope to the rigours of life you’re facing.

The emphasis is on mental approach because it is power house of the mind, when it breaks down the whole system lack the capacity to function properly that’s how the whole response to rigours of life is first conceived and formulated in the mind before its manifestation. When you allow your challenges to tear and wear you down, it means you have disconnected yourself from fighting back, which can take a deep toll and pose a threat to your existence, you live through what you do, the actions you take and the plans you make going forward. That’s how the mental approach is compressed into a single unit of various departments, it is something you cannot do without, it powers your mind and informs your approach in life.

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Not everyone has the mental strength to fight and withstand their challenges in life, others will willingly submit to their life situations and allow it eat what it is left of them, sometimes they lack the needed support to navigate that route, and feel lonely in fighting battles bigger than them. Having the needed support and encouragement can change the fight, it might be needed approach and energy to confront rigours of life. It can build your mental approach and make you stronger, that’s apply to the rest of your challenges in life, with right mindset and support, you can form resistance to the rigours of life. It also builds independence of the mind, and the ability to make quick decisions accurately, your ability to think fast and create fighter’s mentality.

The kind of load you give your mental approach determine how it withstand those challenges. It is in this moment longevity of your sanity is sustained, or attacked with rigours of life. You cannot escape life challenges, it is part of life, what you can change is the approach you adopt in dealing with those situations. Even in tense situations you have to calm your nerves to be able to understand what you’re supposed to do and come up with well-thought-out solutions without over saturating your mind with needless panic. It is step by step situations, one at a time, when you try to mumble everything up just to get ahead of the time, you will create mental lockjaw for yourself and the rest of mental approach to rigours of life will be affected. Staying calm to find the best possible mental approach can bring serenity of thoughts and the right formula to stay ahead of those challenges.


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